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Cabin Baggage


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Just wondering how strict airlines particularly Emirates are with measuring heand luggage? According to Emirates site as long as the dimensions are no more than 114cm (L+W+D) or less then thats ok (and weigh less than 7kg). However Ive bought a case that had cabin baggage written on but its 115cm (55+40+20). How do they judge size at airports?

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They sometimes have a little cage at the checkin desk/gate and if you can get you bag in the cage you will get it in the overhead locker. Not usually a problem for bigger international aircraft but I fly a lot of qantaslink domestic regionals which is usually a Dash8 which has a very shallow locker and there are always a string of bags on the Tarmac to be put in the hold.

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When we flew with Emirates our hand baggage was weighed at check in. We knew this was going to happen so I left some bits and pieces with the in-laws while I checked in and then once I had the luggage label on the bag, I put everything else back in it. It was not weighed again but I did see some people being asked to try and fit it in the cage (as above) but they were clearly taking the mick. I don't think if you are 1cm over they are likely to pull you up on it.

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It can sometimes depend how full the flight is. Ones I have been on that have been packed to almost capacity, they have weighed hand luggage both at check in and a second set of scales at the boarding gate... but other (and most) flights I've been on haven't bothered. I think, as above, they take a glance to see what you've got and make a judgement on that.

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I think its often weight is the decider - we flew with Malaysian last September and website said 7kgs for hand luggage -got to check in and they only allowed us 5kgs

I had to remove stuff from hand luggage and pack it into our suitcase -holding the queue up in the process so embarrassing as I had weighed the hand luggage before leaving home

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Emirates ground staff at Newcastle nearly made me cry over this earlier this year. They didn't seem bothered about the size but were very strict on the weight - even though I was way under on my hold luggage allowance. This really annoyed me as I've regularly seen people with much more than me for hand luggage checking in. Also, there's nothing stopping you buying heavy items once you're through security. I might only have 7kg at check in but once I've spent a couple of hours buying shoes, clothes, toiletries and duty free vodka...grrrrrrrr

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Sometimes I reckon it depends on how happy or otherwise the check-in chick is at the airport too. The last time I flew my cabin bag weiighed 7.5kg but was within the size guidelines. I had to remove that 0.5kg and put it in my case. However the lady before me had three cabin bags as well as two large suitcases.... she got to take all three of her bags on board and didn't have to remove anything. She was also bodily about 50 kilos heavier than me. The check-in chick with attitude refused to discuss the anomally saying it was nothing to do with me! Last time I will ever fly Qantas!

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I think its often weight is the decider - we flew with Malaysian last September and website said 7kgs for hand luggage -got to check in and they only allowed us 5kgs

I had to remove stuff from hand luggage and pack it into our suitcase -holding the queue up in the process so embarrassing as I had weighed the hand luggage before leaving home


Think I'll take print out from site to make sure I get my 7kg! I'll prob be ok weightwise as will have to be sensible :-(

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Emirates ground staff at Newcastle nearly made me cry over this earlier this year. They didn't seem bothered about the size but were very strict on the weight - even though I was way under on my hold luggage allowance. This really annoyed me as I've regularly seen people with much more than me for hand luggage checking in. Also, there's nothing stopping you buying heavy items once you're through security. I might only have 7kg at check in but once I've spent a couple of hours buying shoes, clothes, toiletries and duty free vodka...grrrrrrrr


I thought about that especially to buy toiletries but what happens when you get connecting flight do they recheck weight?

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Sometimes I reckon it depends on how happy or otherwise the check-in chick is at the airport too. The last time I flew my cabin bag weiighed 7.5kg but was within the size guidelines. I had to remove that 0.5kg and put it in my case. However the lady before me had three cabin bags as well as two large suitcases.... she got to take all three of her bags on board and didn't have to remove anything. She was also bodily about 50 kilos heavier than me. The check-in chick with attitude refused to discuss the anomally saying it was nothing to do with me! Last time I will ever fly Qantas!


Totally agree with persons weight to be taken inot consideration somehow, Im no lightweight but certainly a damn sight lighter than some Ive seen fly plus Im hoping to lose a stone before I go so I shoiuld be allowed extra!

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I thought about that especially to buy toiletries but what happens when you get connecting flight do they recheck weight?


As long as you're connecting straight through and not having an actual stopover that involves leaving the airport I've never had anything re-weighed.


Think we should all go on crash diets and travel Samoa Air???!



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As long as you're connecting straight through and not having an actual stopover that involves leaving the airport I've never had anything re-weighed.


Think we should all go on crash diets and travel Samoa Air???!




We shoudl be weighed at point of booking ticket then if we lose some we get to have extra hold luggage free of charge!

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