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Tax Return Question, can anyone help?


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We have been Permanent Residents in Australia since 10th April this year and I have been working full time for my employer since 22nd April so I am due to do a Tax Return soon, am I right in thinking that I have to declare my income that I earned in the UK before we entered Australia? The same applies for my Husband, he hasn't been able to find work as yet so he hasn't earned anything here but does he have to lodge a tax return detailing the amounts he earned in the UK before we came here? The reason I ask is that when we put our claim in for Child Care Benefit for my DD's Kindy, they told me that the income that I had earned in the UK should be included on the form (and therefore lowers the amount of CCB which we can receive), even though here our income is low as only I am working and this would then be recalculated once my tax return has been processed.


I hope this makes sense!


Thank you in advance



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Guest GeorgeD

I believe for tax purposes, you can only be taxed once you have entered Australia. As a PR, your worldwide income is assessable, but your visa/residency isn't actually activated until you arrive in Oz, hence the reason you don't start being liable for tax. Benefits could have completely different rules.


My wife was in Oz before I got my visa. She was receiving some sort of Child Benefit (don't know the name) but when we got married I had to get a TFN whilst overseas (so before I had ever set foot in Oz - Centrelink gave me a letter to send to the ATO to authorise them to give a TFN to a non-resident overseas) so they could 'assess' my income. This had no impact on my tax return when I eventually did arrive, as I wasn't due to pay tax in Oz prior to coming to Australia and validating my visa.


Check with an Accountant to be sure.

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I would be interested in this, as we arrived end of april as well and will be submitting our first one soon too.


in my mind, as we paid tax on earnings in the uk, we cant be liable for tax on it here. But as to whether it needs to be declared i would like clarification on this too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You definitely don't need to report UK income on your tax return prior to becoming resident for tax purposes. Centrelink payments and forms are different though and you do need to include income earned during the year prior to arrival:




On page 28 - 'Any income from sources outside Australia that you (and/or your partner) receive for which you do not have to pay Australian tax is counted as foreign income. Foreign income is included in your estimate of annual income for family assistance purposes. Newly arrived residents should include foreign income earned in the 2011–2012 or 2012–2013 financial year prior to arriving in Australia when estimating their income for the 2011–2012 or 2012–2013 financial year.'

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Do you ahve to take out private health cover on PR - someone told me that if I don't have private health cover I will pay more tax?


You will pay more tax if you earn more than $75k as an individual or $168k as a family and do not have private healthcare.

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