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Hello newbie here moving Perth with hubby late May from Nortb West

Sunset Addict

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Hi just wanted to say Hello

My husband has landed a job in Perth on a sponsored 457 visa, we are thrilled as we did think we might have got too old for Australia! We are in our fifties and leaving our kids 28 and 31 behind as they have thier own lives and are fully behind us to go and have an adventure before dementia!

We have had a short visit and loved our time staying in Fremantle,which is convenient for job.

The more we find out ,the more we realise just how much we dont know! Its been a steep learning curve.

I have been lurking on the forums searching for answers to my millions of questions and have found it invaluable, so thanks to everyone who takes the time to answer with advice and personal experience.

No doubt I will be on here lots over the next few exciting but scary months leading up to the move.

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We live very close to Fremantle, my son is cycling to his school there right now! I do love it, one of the few areas of metropolitan Perth that isn't soulless.


Is your visa for 4 years? I expect you don't plan to buy but for obvious reasons it's a desirable area and expensive. Even for renting can I suggest you look beyond Fremantle and into Cockburn or Melville, we are just 3km from Fremantle but houses here are $200k less! And similar reductions in rent.


We are actually returning back to the UK so maybe not the best advocate for Australia but if you want any local knowledge feel free to ask!


Adventure is good and at least when you come on a 457 you know it's only temporary, I do wish now we'd just come for an adventure. Enjoy yours!

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Hey Welcome and congrats on the job offer.


Perth is a brilliant place to live. We are in our forties and sometimes i do wonder if our age has helped with the settling in process.


So Ok the next couple of months will be manic for you and then you arrive and have quite a bit of sorting out to do, but after that you can just sit back and enjoy.


We knew exactly why we wanted to leave and what we were looking for and its all here in Perth. We enjoy it for what it is and for what it has to offer, the little things that may wind other people up we just shrug off, put it down to just being the WA way. I think age and experience helps with that and being able to see the positives rather than always looking at the negatives.


We just love the beauty of the place, the weather. The stress levels have fairly dropped since moving here.


Last night i sat out til 3am just gazing up at the beautiful sky.


Weve made loads of friends since arriving here, we all meet up at weekends at beaches or parks etc and do daft things like play rounders in 38 deg in the middle of the day!!


We go into Freo or places like Northbridge, Subi, Leederville for nights out and what i notice is unlike town centres in the UK its not all young ones. People of all ages out and about enjoying themselves.


Re areas, i agree Freo is great and i would say if your budget will allow then try and get a rental there. Or as Jules says try and get a suburb with a bit of life to it. We live 10mins from Freo in Melville and we love it, have so much facilities and things going on right on our doorstep.


Good luck with it all

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Hi just wanted to say Hello

My husband has landed a job in Perth on a sponsored 457 visa, we are thrilled as we did think we might have got too old for Australia! We are in our fifties and leaving our kids 28 and 31 behind as they have thier own lives and are fully behind us to go and have an adventure before dementia!

We have had a short visit and loved our time staying in Fremantle,which is convenient for job.

The more we find out ,the more we realise just how much we dont know! Its been a steep learning curve.

I have been lurking on the forums searching for answers to my millions of questions and have found it invaluable, so thanks to everyone who takes the time to answer with advice and personal experience.

No doubt I will be on here lots over the next few exciting but scary months leading up to the move.


Good for you! Enjoy your adventure.

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We are in the same boat over 50 our children except 1 will be staying here but one day they might just come over,we thought there is no chance now but we was offered a 457 visa sponsorship hoping to go to Perth the visa was granted last May, because at present there has been some issues regarding foriegn labour being brought in instead of using local labour first which I think is quite right, this has delayed getting over to OZ all we can do is keep fingers crossed it will be soon and this issue with labour will be sorted, we have friends in Port Kennedy and we will be looking for places from Bibra lakes down to Port Kennedy, but you are right the info available has been a god send on PIO. so thanks to all. I have lived in Brisbane before so Perth will be different looking forward to getting there.

Good luck with your move hope you enjoy every minute.

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