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Princess Margaret Hospital for Children/and new project!


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Hi all ,

not been on for an age ..... and due to a job offer thats fallen apart ( 18 months of wasted time ) , we need to make that move!!! I am looking at the Princess Margaret Hospital or the new childrens hospital in Perth.

So im really just looking if theres any more i can do ..... i have emailed hospital ( need to ring tomorrow ), emailed Wa for state sponsorship, i have looked into Nursing agency ( do you recomend any) ? well sent loads of emails and trying to get things moving.


so any advice is really what im after, our friends moved to Bunbury 5 years ago and we love it there and we love Perth ....... We "really" do love WA :biggrin:


Also any guys work at Princess Margaret Hospital that could help.......... please !


So a little update about us , im 34 married . been qualified as a nurse for 12 years. I am a childrens cardiac Nurse( sister ) in one of europes most sought after hospitals.

My hubby is a qualified bricklayer/builder and we have 1 son and 1 on the way!


So any tips / advice / help - really would welcome some :o)


many thanks



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