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Need as much information please... Many questions...


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Hi all, the visa I'm applying for is a working Holiday (subclass 417)


Got some general questions about it and Australia


How long does the visa take to be accepted or not accepted?


ive got a small history with the police, I've been arrested before but never been to court or paid any fine... I'm thinking off using the ACRO police check and paying to see what I will need to mention on the vista appication... One of the questions on the ACRO form asks you if u have ever been arrested, if yes what for?

I don't actually know what my arrested went down as? Should I just give information on it? Is it defo worth using this website, I guess I can't just go to my location police and get information on myself there?


best websites for cheap flights? (so far the cheapest I found is 735 pounds April till December)


how easy is it to get a job out there (for a 20year old man) (in Perth)


any information to help me would be great thanks :)

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Firstly, it is never a good idea to omit information or lie to DIAC as they check everything and it could go against your visa application.


I have heard of 417 visas being issued in days, and other taking weeks. I think it depends on each particular case and the workload at DIAC at the time.


Workwise it depends what you do really. Casual work in bars or on building sites etc seems still to be around, but in other areas jobs are a bit on the thin side I gather. There are temp agencies in Perth for both office workers and manual workers - Look at "Ready Workforce" and "Integrity". Also may I suggest that you look through the Working Holiday Forum on PIO as there are some very informative threads there that might help.


Skyscanner is a good website for accessing flights.

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