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Form 80


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Hi Everyone,


This is my first post but I have been using the site to research for a few months now. I have a quick question regarding the form 80. I have seen it reffered to quite a few times in relation to application for a partner visa but I cannot see it mentioned in the partner migration checklist. Is the form no longer required?



Many thanks,



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Form 80 is only generally needed for countries DIAC classifies as high-risk, which Ireland is not. Otherwise, they'll ask you for it if they need it, but it's not likely. I wouldn't submit it "just in case" they need it as getting it processed has been said to slow down cases significantly.


This is just my opinion gleaned from reading various forums. I'm no expert by any means. :)

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Form 80 is requested not just for HR countries.


The can use this to determine how many police certificates that you will require - with regards to your movements over the last 10 years. Also it asks details regarding your family - which may be used if you wish to sponsor people in the Future.


Some CO will ask for this after an application has been lodged.

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Guest GeorgeD

It maybe asked for at some point. So as Lebourvellec says, some COs ask for it, some don't.


I filled mine in up front so they had all teh info they could possibly want. I didn't need to, but it wasn't that difficult to be honest. If you don't fill it in just now, apply without it but start getting the info for it in case you need to fill it in. It won't hold your application up either way.

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I had it filled in ready to go, but it was never requested. My friend who applied for the same visa at the same time was asked to submit it. No logical reason for the difference at all.


Maybe it just depends on the CO?

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