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Shipping nail polish and partners stuff..??


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Hi Everyone,


Just wondering if anyone knows if you are allowed to ship nail polish?? I have a fair few bottles... say 30 or so? I read that its a flammable liquid and don't want to leave them behind!!


Also, on the customs forms if you are putting other peoples stuff in your boxes you need to show their passport and visa. If I put a pair or 2 of my partners shoes and a few items of clothing and don't put any details about him on the forms would that be ok?? He doesn't have a visa yet.


Thanks in advance!

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I was gutted when our removers told me I could not take my large box of nail polishes, so much so that I think they felt sorry for me and packed them anyway!! Strictly speaking I don't think they should be in my container but they are! :) Sorry cant help with the other point.

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My oh is an avid collector of nail polishes, all we're packed in the "bathroom" box. She probably has as many, if not more than you do. No probs what so ever.


As for partners bits and pieces, who's to say they are not yours? If it was sealed boxes that you did not know the contents of, well that's another matter!

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Thanks everybody! I called the shipping company today and they said I can pack them in sea freight but not air freight which is good! And that partners stuff should be fine =)


To be honest, I would have left his stuff behind as long as I could take my nail polish!!

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