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Now where do we go???


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Hi folks,

here's the dilemma,

we've spent the last 18mths researching Brisbane as our preferred place to start our new life from the UK.

We feel like we already know this place (ish) due to the amount of info we've gathered over this period & we have friends and family members there feeding us lots of info and reports.

However, due to the fact that my wife is a Nurse (25yrs experience in Surgical) and there have been large job cuts in the public sector we now feel that we need to look at a different State as our Agent has informed us that "they" haven't processed any paperwork for Brisbane for quite some time!

The IELTS has been passed and we're now being asked to apply for EOI.

We are now looking at Victoria?!?!?!?!?

Please, any info or advice would be so appreciated as we're at the crazy stage of "we're going for it on a Monday!" But not on a Tuesday & then "we're really going for it" on the Wednesday, but then not on the Thurs!

OMG, I think my brain is really going to explode!



Si & Ange.

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Have you ever visited oz? I had been to Adelaide, lived her for 2.5 months eight years before, talking to family living there, obsessive researching etc, and I still built up a false picture of it in my mind.

So really I have no practical advice other than no matter how much you research a place, it still won't be what you are expecting.

Good luck (I have to stop posting late at night, I keep drivelling).

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Guest Guest26012

Yes the Fiona Stanley hospital in Perth is going to be huge! The hospital I work at is doubling in size! Perth will need nurses in the near future!

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Ramsay Health Care do sponsor nurses (private)



No jobs in Brisbane however there are positions on the Gold Coast... perhaps not too far from your friends and family?


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