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Moving Back Visa Help!!!


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Hi all,



We are moving back to the UK after 2 years here various reasons, but I need some advise hopefully :)



I'am a British Citizen by Birth and hold a British Passport, my Wife is originally from Brazil, she gained British Citizenship in march 2010 and also holds a British Passport, we moved from the UK to Australia on a 457 visa on November 2010. We got married here in March 2012. She has a 13 year old child who was born prior to her getting citizenship, he used to live with his grandparents in Brazil until June this year when he came to Australia and joined us, he only holds a Brazilian Passport and is here in Australia on the 457 visa. The biological father is not known and is not mentioned on any of his official documents.



Now what I need to know is the VAF4A the correct visa to apply for him, if so when i get to the Sponsor section is it me that is sponsoring him since I will have a full-time position when we return to the UK? If this is not the right visa does anyone know what other visa to get?



I have been in contact with the embassy but get different information each time, if anyone has a similar experience then any help would be great.







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Guest guest68546

Cant help but sounds like whatever advice you are given by officialdom, the old adage applies, 'get it in writing'.


Good luc.

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