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Help PR and uni fees


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So I need help, my brother moved out last year and has just got PR. He is being told that he needs to pay my nieces whole courses uni fees upfront as they don't have citizenship !!!


Does this sound right?? The full 3 years upfront !!


I thought once you had PR you could access HECs


Thanks in advance

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

The good news though ...... The fees are still at the low rate they were in the UK until the Lying Lib Dems and the money grasping Tories trebled Uni fees, saddling our kids with tens of thousands of pounds of debt. I was told also, you will have to pay up front, yearly, not all in one go. Best of luck.

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My son is looking at courses in WA at the moment and we are in that situation. $6000 - $7000 per year is normal for the courses he's asked about. He has to pay per semester up front.


There are quite a lot of scholarships around which you can ask the uni finance dept about. Be careful to check which are available to those with PR. Some are available only to those with citizenship. Some have to be applied for over the next few months so it's worth checking soon. You can apply for and receive more than one. Many are worth a proportion of the fee rather than the whole cost.

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Guest Bazinga

I'm in a similar position so have decided to do a diploma first then when I get citizenship the degree so I dont have to pay until I start earning a certain amount

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