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Caroline K

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I know a few new grads who are still working as AIN's (6 months after qualifying) the situation is that uncertain here atm.


I can't speak for all hospitals and am only familar with the public sector, but there is a definite "freeze" at my wife's hospital in Brizzy, which seems madness considering that they're having to fill in with agency which costs more. It appears that it is not supposed to be "official" (for political reasons) but the current Gov't seems to have thrown the public sector a wobbler by rushing at cuts in all sectors willy nilly and managers seem to be jumping the gun and implementing their own cuts before the top brass get the axe out.


These short term "panic attacks" have happened on a regular basis and should correct pretty quickly as they've done before. Although not advertised, there are always positions for "bank" nurses available.

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Guest TobyJD

allisonc771, whereabouts?


We've just landed in Brisbane and my fiancee will be looking for a nursing role. She's due to meet with an agency tomorrow but any other info would be gratefully received :-)

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