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Newby with her first question!!

Guest Nick17

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Guest Nick17

This is my first post so apologies if there are similar ones out there!! My partner can get a job transfer and we are thinking about moving to Perth initially for 2 years with our 2 kids who is 4 (Feb 08) and 5 (Nov 06). We are Scottish and our oldest child will be going into Primary 2 in the next couple of weeks. My worry is that if we do decide to come back home after the 2 years our children will probably be behind in school and they may have to go back a year because as far as I understand they don't seem to start P1 until they are 6? We are really interested in going but my children do come first but I think all in all they would have a better life out there if we did decide to stay. Any posts from teachers or anyone who has been in a similar dilema appreciated. Thanks!!

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Welcome to PIO. I have been researching schools (although my child is 15) and as far as I can tell, although the systems are completely different children seem to manage the transition well (particularly the younger kids). However, if you know the area you are going to I would suggest contacting the state or even the School direct. I have been in touch with the education dept in Qld and they have been very helpful to me, answering all the questions I had.


Good Luck!

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I haven't taught out here (in Oz) yet, however as a teacher in the UK (both Primary and Secondary over the course of my career), I had many students over the years that had either come from Oz, or gone from the UK>>Oz>>back to the UK. Especially in Primary none of them had any issues at all, whether they were academically gifted, struggled with school or were middle of the road. Kids are very adaptable, especially at younger ages, and can pick things up very quickly if allowed to.


If you are at all worried, you can always top up education at home if you did decide to come back, however the biggest issue I've ever had is differing ways of teaching (ie how long division is taught, or how phonics/not-phonics is delivered etc), in which case giving extra practise of how it is done in the Scottish school you would be returning to does it is important, or spending 15 mins or so an evening after school once returned practising.


In England a child would only ever be placed into an age appropriate class, can't comment on Scotland as I haven't taught there, but as the UK seems to be paranoid about everyone being exactly the same, I would imagine it is the same, therefore don't stress about what they have or haven't done. The best thing you can do is not stress, go with the flow, read with your child and play games with them, and they will do grand, wherever they are being educated :D

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