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Is there a need for this ...?


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So I have been in Perth since April and have settled sort of ok. No doubt it's hard, especially with 3 kids and hubby doing FIFO! I have meet some lovely people who appreciate what you are going through and have met some new comers that just aren't settling due to the lack friends, knowledge of local area, lack of enthusiam as they are so homesick. So, an aussie friend, together with myself have thought about setting up a voluntary welcome get together on a regular basis. Just so when you land in Perth you can come along once a fortnight to meet new people, regardless of age, children etc and get welcomed to Australia from locals and expats alike. Info will be given on essentials like hospitals, shops, etc. I know when I arrived I had no clue where the hospital was or how to contact doctor or what the procedure was and it was only after hours of trawling the net that I found this out. So how many of you would come along to such a gathering, totally voluntary, friendly and supportive to new comers? I look forward to your replies.

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Hi we used to have a lot of meet ups at one time, across all states.

I think as people settle and move on they get less and less. Try and organise one and feel free to post in our socialising section so other members are aware. We found the beach front child friendly parks a good place when doing them in QLD..


Good Luck

Cal x

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Thanks Cal, we hope to make it an ongoing thing and know once people settle they will stop coming. There seems to be loads of newcomers to WA just now and i hate to see people struggling. Was hoping to post it here and other places, even local schools so the school can hand out a flyer to new arrivals. Would the board make it a sticky do you think?



QUOTE=calNgary;1935924488]Hi we used to have a lot of meet ups at one time, across all states.

I think as people settle and move on they get less and less. Try and organise one and feel free to post in our socialising section so other members are aware. We found the beach front child friendly parks a good place when doing them in QLD..


Good Luck

Cal x

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That sounds like fantastic idea and somthing i would definetly come to and benefit from once over there, we are hoping to be coming in january, but it depends hugely on selling our house so who know exactly when will it be! where abouts are you located, we are researching areas best we can on the internet at the minute, trying to find good schools first and then the areas they cover, its frustrating as i just want to be over there, and the constant rain here is only making me more inpatient!!:wacko:

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Guest guest17301

Great idea, hopefully one of the mods can make it a sticky thread or a claender event or something...Im sure someone who knows what they are talking about will be along soon to help!

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Sounds great....in our suburb in Brisbane when you move into the suburb a volunteer comes around and welcomes you with a show bag full of info on the local area. It is a nice touch even for a Aussie let alone a new immigrant. Think it is provided by the local council so maybe your local councillor could help out with information flyers etc?

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My only suggestion would be to remember distance .. it's quite daunting when you first arrive and you tend to underestimate how far things may be, so having some north, south and centrally would be a good idea.


Post in the socialising/calendar section

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Yeh that's the problem, distance. We are NOR so would probably hold it in Joondalup with volunteers from several suburbs round about. Once established we could venture SOR.


You'd probably only get those NOR attending as it would be quite a way to travel ... you could do something in Kings Park for example - bit more central for everyone

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Excellent, feedback is superb. So what sort of info would be interesting? Schools, hospitals, shopping centres, beaches, cafes, baring in mind it would all be our personal opinions! Plus a chance to meet some new people over a coffee/tea. I know exactly what it's like to hit a new place and know NOTHING and a friendly face is more than welcome. It would be very informal.

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Excellent, feedback is superb. So what sort of info would be interesting? Schools, hospitals, shopping centres, beaches, cafes, baring in mind it would all be our personal opinions! Plus a chance to meet some new people over a coffee/tea. I know exactly what it's like to hit a new place and know NOTHING and a friendly face is more than welcome. It would be very informal.


All the above would be benificial to us. Perth WA virgins so would need all the advice possible. We are looking to go NOR too so that would fit in great.

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I'm sure there used to be a business that used to do this sort of thing when we emigrated in 92. You could get in touch with them via the embassy at the time and they would sort out meeting you at the airport, finding temporary accommodation, car hire if you wanted it, maps of the area, even job interviews I think. We didn't bother as we had friends here who met us in the middle of the night and let us stay with them for a couple of weeks.


Don't know whether the service still exists. There might even be a business opportunity here.

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what a pity, I am sure we would use such services if they existed.

It is a good business opportunity for sure, if the fee is too much alot of people might be put off, as emigration itself is soo expensive.

I think/feel wetnwindy is trying to create a community rather than a business.

when you are so far from home a feeling of belonging is important.. no matter how negligible it is

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