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Moving Home in October


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About 2 weeks ago we found out that my father in law has leukemia for the second time. This means months and months of chemo and a possible stem cell transplant. All a bit of a shock and after lots and lots of chats - we have decided to move back to the UK in October.


We have been here nearly 2 years and we always said we would like to be here for 2 years so it feels like a kinda sign. Its a weird feeling knowing we'll be returning, and even though its a tricky time with my hubbies dad, it feels right and we feel ready.


I have loved my Australian experience and its furthered my career, made me stronger and I have seen pretty much the whole country. I will be sad to leave but I feel so happy I will be back in the country with all my close friends and family.


So, now its to the move back - I feel like we have so much to do but it feels easier than coming out here in the first place. I am sure I will be posting on this a lot over the next few months!!!


One thing that has surprised me is that even though we have a huge reason for returning - people have STILL said - what about the weather?!? he he, makes me laugh!!

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Good luck with your move back to the UK.


Hope your FIL's treatment goes well.


You'll always have that sense of achievement that you were able to move to the other side of the world and make it work. You never know you may even move back one day.


Best wishes

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Sorry to hear about your FIL, but at least you can go home with your head held high. It really does magnify the distance when loved one is ill.


Good luck on your return,I too believe that a move to the other side of the world can only enrich your life, even when you return home. You will probably see the UK with a new set of eyes as well.


Oh btw the weather isn't the bee all and end all, we returned back to Canada in the midst of winter, but I still loved it being surrounded by family again.


All the best for your move back. October will be here before you know it.





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Thanks all.


Its been a bit of an overwhelming time as we have been in the UK for 2 weeks and I have found it to be quite surreal but lovely at the same time.


Its been so nice to see everyone again!


Back to Oz on Saturday to begin the big pack up to come home.


Hubby has a job interview Friday so things are looking positive I guess!!

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