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Homeschooling, VICTORIA

Guest roaminnomore

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Guest Guest16631

..........have heard some good outcomes of home schooling.............good luck to you and your new student...............tink x

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Guest roaminnomore

Hi all, the decision has beenmade. Now I just have to battle to beallowed. Work it all out. Educate mychild. Teach her to be an individual.

Why is the question I havebeen asking myself for nearly two weeks? Last night I realised that it does not matter what I say or do and I amnot accepting things that have happened at my childs school, the manner in which they have beendealt with and, not am I going to leave my daughter to fend for herself. They are a bunch of hardnosed gits that hide,can't do their jobs (well, one in particular) and are willing to bare face lieto cover up their own incompetence. Mydaughter finally spoke out about verbally and physically being controlled/bullied- guess what it is all in her head because she is a clever little girl. Any school I have called, have been totallyopen and honest, has said the same - no places. They close ranks and take no responsibility for anything.

Yes been a tough time sincewe arrived (have met a handful of very nice, kind, decent and honest people) andnot been able to get on our feet. I feelI am partially to blame. I have beentrying to fit in, do the right thing and not make waves. I feel as though the life has been sucked outof me bit by bit. Some Australian peopleget a kick out of superiority and when people think all Australian are fun erm,more like immature.

Thank you for the link I didcome across is earlier but have been pre-occupied re-organising our lives!

I have missed you all greatlybut have had a dose of the 'poor me's' going on - ew. yYu're a great bunch offolk, thank you for being there. Ley x

p.s. on saying all of theabove, I still love the Geographic's of where we live

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Guest Guest16631

.......keep strong Leila..........you know your daughter best..........and with your help she'll get through her schooling..............just taking a different path.............just be true to you..........your a great person..............always best to give those with ......issues.........a wide berth...........if you still love the place.........and have your family round you.............you have a gift indeed............enjoy ....and good luck..........tink x

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Every school in Australia is part of the National Safe Schools Framework Australia which gives guidelines, policy and training to schools about how to cover bullying. There is a section on the website about what to do as a parent if your child is bullied -



Basically if you have no joy from the school then call the ed. dept where you are and talk to them. If it is a government or a private school they should deal with it in the same way. The other thing is to ask to talk to the school pysch/counsellor - every school will have access to one. They should be able to give your daughter strategies to deal with the bullying but also will hopefully know about whole school strategies in place. Ask to see the schools bullying policy - and see if they have followed that in dealing with your daughter.

Bullying is a political issue at the moment - the Education Minister Peter Garret was only on TV yesterday explaining new policies to deal with bullying. Have a look at this too - http://www.committeeforgeelong.com.au/!upload_files%5Cattachment%5CSchool%20Bullying%20in%20Geelong.pdf


Show the school this -


Victorian high School student awarded $290,000 for school bullying The Supreme Court of Victoria has approved an out of court settlement of $290,000 in favour of a 17 year old girl over bullying incidents in a Victorian secondary school. The pay out is believed to be one of the largest for a school bullying case and signals the need for schools to improve how they deal with bullying .

In this case, the girl claimed that the bullying began when she was in Year 7 and continued for over 18 months when her parents removed her from the school. The girl suffered depression, agoraphobia and eating disorders and is still under treatment. The girl’s mother sued the Education Department on her behalf for negligence and failing in its duty of care.

• Compensation for victims of young bullies to be re-considered

In another school bullying case where the victim was a primary school child, the Supreme Court of Victoria paved the way for victims of young bullies to seek compensation through the courts. (BVB v Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal [2010]VSC 57 (5 March 2010)).

In this landmark ruling, the court overturned a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) decision which refused to compensate a girl because her attackers were under 10-years old and ordered that the applicant’s application be reheard and re-determined.

While this matter is yet to be determined by VCAT, it is worth noting Justice Cavanough’s comment that “one cannot be other than surprised that so much harassment was [meted] out to a quiet child for so many years without more active intervention calculated to protect her in application of the declared policies of the Department”.

• Advice to schools




  • Establish clear and concise anti-bullying policies with case scenarios
  • Re-iterate the policies to students, teachers and parents on a regular basis
  • Watch out for instances of bullying and take early remedial action
  • Do not ignore complaints of bullying


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Hi all, the decision has beenmade. Now I just have to battle to beallowed. Work it all out. Educate mychild. Teach her to be an individual.


Why is the question I havebeen asking myself for nearly two weeks? Last night I realised that it does not matter what I say or do and I amnot accepting things that have happened at my childs school, the manner in which they have beendealt with and, not am I going to leave my daughter to fend for herself. They are a bunch of hardnosed gits that hide,can't do their jobs (well, one in particular) and are willing to bare face lieto cover up their own incompetence. Mydaughter finally spoke out about verbally and physically being controlled/bullied- guess what it is all in her head because she is a clever little girl. Any school I have called, have been totallyopen and honest, has said the same - no places. They close ranks and take no responsibility for anything.

Yes been a tough time sincewe arrived (have met a handful of very nice, kind, decent and honest people) andnot been able to get on our feet. I feelI am partially to blame. I have beentrying to fit in, do the right thing and not make waves. I feel as though the life has been sucked outof me bit by bit. Some Australian peopleget a kick out of superiority and when people think all Australian are fun erm,more like immature.

Thank you for the link I didcome across is earlier but have been pre-occupied re-organising our lives!


I have missed you all greatlybut have had a dose of the 'poor me's' going on - ew. yYu're a great bunch offolk, thank you for being there. Ley x


p.s. on saying all of theabove, I still love the Geographic's of where we live




Hi Leila,

There are a few Facebook groups for homeschooling/unschooling and you could probably get a lot of info from them. I had researched this a while back, message me and I'll get u the two groups i know. They are very friendly and eager to help.

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Guest roaminnomore

Thank you all, computer crashed last night and I could not respond. I have questioned everything about my child and her behavior further, us as a family. Every word and move has been psycho-analysed! I was very open to suggestions for my child and that is what has been used against her - she is 7, what chance does she have? My saving grace today - my eldest two are being awarded for 'work ethic' and 'academic achievement'. :)


My energy this week is now going to be focused on sorting out the legalities (with a possible battle). Catch you all later on and thank you for your support and links. Ley x

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Good luck roam, hope it all works out for you and your daughter. I know someone who is a missionary's wife with young children and they are here in Melb at the moment with her daughter attending a Christian school. She can't wait to get back to home schooling out in PNG in the missionary area- they are sick of the nasty behaviour of some at the school and the constant foul language and disrespectful attitudes.

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