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Need Help in preparing and submitting requirements for spouse visa application

Guest shiela and stewie

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Guest shiela and stewie

I just got married Last July 06, 2012...My husband is an australian..I am still waiting for the days to get my Marriage certificate to apply for ID's and all here in the Philippines. What are the things I may need?what do I need to bring at the Embassy?I have read about statutory declarations?Can someone here gave any sample?letter for the statutory declaration and History of the Relationship format?Thanks in advance...

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Guest shiela and stewie

Thanks I need a format for statutory declarations and writing a letter for history of the relationship....

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There is no "set format" but the key things you should try to cover in the history of your relationship are listed on page 39 of the partner migration booklet that Lebourvellec kindly linked.


You can write it in bullet points, short paragraphs or as a story - it's up to you. Generally most people seem to write roughly an A4 page but, once again, it's up to you. The main thing is to try and cover the key points on page 39 of the booklet. And page 27 contains links to blank statutory declaration forms.


Sorry but your question has already been answered.

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Guest shiela and stewie

thanks for your kindness too...I would like to ask if in case i cant give them the chat archives...cause we both never had a chance to save the messages...Do you think that will prolong the process?we have other proofs like pictures, itemized phone calls, except chat archives...thanks in advance

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You may find that people don't want to share their letters as they are personal. I certainly won't show mine to anyone I don't know, sorry. I realise that you're trying to make sure your application is the best it can be but you also seem to want others to do it for you. Just try making a start and get something down on paper. You can always add to it or change it until you're happy with it.

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Guest shiela and stewie

Sorry if my words are not that appropriate ofcourse no one would show the letter they have I just want to find out how it was written anyway thanks for the advices...i should ask maybe how can it be done...i would try to surf the net for the sample format.

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Different people do it in different formats for some people it is a bullet point list, for others paragraphs with headings, for others just a continuous story. I just wrote mine as a story, starting with the factual details and giving det ails as I went along, making sure to cover off the 4 areas mentioned in Booklet 1.


As long as you give all the information asked for, all listed in Booklet 1, there is not a right or wrong way to do the statement and there is no prescribed format. Several people have told you that now, and it seems like you don't believe them! This is your story and no one knows how to tell it better than you!

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Guest shiela and stewie

Thanks to all the people who are giving advices it is not that I dont believe you guys...I owe you all because I'm not like you guys who are very good in writing especially letters but with your help I am done with it....I highly appreciate all your help, dont get me wrong if Im into details before because it is really my first time to handle this kind of thing.Anyway Im glad I am done with the letters...Thank you very much guys!!!

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No it does not. For example how does one obtain a CEMAR form the NSO that is acceptable to the DIAC and what about the CFO certificate?


What's a CEMAR, who are the NSO and what about the CFO certificate? I had my spouse visa granted in March this year but I have no idea what any of these things are so would assume that either they are not critical for an offshore spouse visa application or I did them without realising what they were.

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What's a CEMAR, who are the NSO and what about the CFO certificate? I had my spouse visa granted in March this year but I have no idea what any of these things are so would assume that either they are not critical for an offshore spouse visa application or I did them without realising what they were.


They are documents and terms specific to the Philippines (according to Google).

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