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A Canuck to Perth or Brisbane?


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Hey all,


Since you poms tend to have a wealth of information over our quieter Canadian version, I'd love to hear some thoughts on a few question's i might have about moving my arse from the frigid great white north, to the land down under. I know the whole Perth.vs.Brisbane thing has been done to death, but i'm looking a little deeper.


I'm looking for GIS / Remote Sensing work in Perth or Brisbane. I'm really banking on gaining a 457 visa with my experience in such a niche market. The problem is i'm digging myself in a financial hole in my current situation in the city i live in. It's relatively the same costs as Aus, barring a few commodities, and rents are more expensive. Everything is pretty close price wise (+/- 10-20%) with far less prospect for a good salary despite an equal footing on the exchange. Is it too far fetched to assume there would be a good market for 457's for me? I'm turning 31 soon, and getting a WHV would be a requirement regardless for me, even though i do not have the bankroll to be able to quit my current job and leave for Oz to job hunt. I'm ultimately looking for a lifestyle change, and better opportunities.


I'm single and looking to command about 80k+ a year (hopefully!!). There's lots of information for families, but I'm curious how a single guy will perform with said salary in each locale. Will this provide sufficient funds for living in a nice condo preferably close to the CBD, and spending cash for weekend fun? I'm assuming you could find a good place for 400/wk, 1-2 bed. Air-con would be a MUST considering we live like popsickles 7 months of the year. Lots of nightlife and beach excursions is what i'm looking for. Winter be damned, i am tired of the snow. I'd also like to hear who wins between Perth and Brisbane in the following categories :



Beaches (and accessibility)


Cost of living (CBD area)

Cafe culture / Trendiness

Surfing / Diving / snorkeling

Things to do


Thanks again...eH!

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Id actually say Gold Coast would tick your boxes but then im biased towards Brisbane and The Gold Coast,,lol

I would suggest contacting companys in both states ,regardless of if they are advertising for staff or not and see what response you get. Explain you would need sponsership and try to have to hand what would be required of them in sponsering you as not all companys will know. Lots of members say e-mails often go unanswered so phoning is your next best bet. You may find one state gives you more response than others and it could dictate which State you end up in.

Good Luck with everything


Cal x

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