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How easy to get perm from 457


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How easy is it to get permanent residency from a 457 visa? Can't emagine it would be easy or wouldn't we have gone for permanent to begin with? Anyone who's done it, can we have your story of how you went about it. Ta

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It's a separate visa so you have to apply like any other And qualify.

we were employer sponsored so waited the 2 yrs. you have to have all the blood tests, x rays, medicals all again including police checks from the UK ( have to send of for them with the fees) and Aussie police checks for everyone over 18.

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Verystormy, you said your employer sponsored you permenantly, does that mean you'll have to work for him forever or do you start a new contract? At the end of the contract I presume you can then stay being permanent, am I correct?

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Guest guest36187

Berto, an employer would expect you to stay for a while. You cant get them to sponsor you then disappear as soon as you get PR!!!

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You can apply when ever you want but if you haven't been here two years it will mean a skills assessment.


You do not have to stay with an employer. But a lot of employers will make you sign something that says if you leave you will pay back the cost of the visa

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As above poster says, you can Apply whenever you like,if your being sponsored or meet the requirements for PR on your own. If its less than the 2 yrs, you need a skills assessment, that's why we waited the two years.

Thanks for all your replies, just another question, do we need to finish our 457 before can ger PR or can we apply and get it before the 2 years is up and change from 457 to PR?
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