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Travel insurance vs Medical insurance vs Medicare


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If you are from the uk you will be covered on Medicare while in oz. Of course if you go other places on the way to or from you would want travel insurance.

Most travel insurance only covers for upto 30 days. There are some special backpacking ones which are pretty good.

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We used DownUnder Insurance for our year WHV in Oz, cost £550 for a couple. There are cheaper options around, and more 'budget' cover if you wanted. Plenty on offer, just google backpacker insurance.


Once you get here you have to register with Medicare (your travel insurance will insist on this as well), very easy, just go into an office with your passport and proof of visa (email print out is fine) and they'll give you a temp card and send you a proper one out in the post. You will use this whenever you go to the Doctors, or if you need emergency medical care at hospital.


You don't want medical insurance if you're only here on a WHV. We've only just got this due to the WHV ending and us staying permanently.

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