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457 to permanent sponsor?


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were currently on a 457 visa and have 19 months to go till this end.

we were wondering if could ask my husbands employer to give him a permanent sponsorship, how does it work? Has anyone done that? Could we apply before the end of the visa and does it mean he'll have to work for him permanently or could he go his separate way eventually.

Lots of question I know.

Answers much appreciated.

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Might be worth taking a look here.



Depending on what your husband's job is and also where you are it could be a possibility. I've just done it. I applied 1 year into my 457 and now have PR. How long your husband works with the company after PR is granted will depend on the contract between the two of them and also what kind of visa he ends up on.

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Thanks surflen 22,

so when you've finished your contract do you get to stay permanently and can you move anywhere in oz?

we're in Victoria and he's a floor layer, he can't get state sponsored as its not on the list.

Need to look at your attachment, thanks again.

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