midwife2005 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 Hi all, We are booked to go on our reccie in December which we are so looking forward to, I think it will be such an invaluable experience and learning curve. We have a comfortable life here in the UK and I have been thinking about what we will be giving up to move to OZ. Sometimes I wish we didn't have a house to sell and my husband didn't have his business to sell, he's worked so hard to build up his business and keep it afloat during these really difficult times and it's hard to think he will be giving it up for something that might not work out. For me I think I need to be 100% sure that the move is right for us and hopefully the reccie will provide that. Its so difficult and I have a million and one questions going through my head and I know what I'm going through is probably normal but is it the same for others? Has anyone moved who did have doubts but just got swept along anyway? You get so caught up in the visa process, then when you actually get it that's when the enormity of what your about to do hits home. It's bloody scary! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skani Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I don't think you can be 100% sure of anything in life - especially such a big life change as migration. Anyone who moved without doubts is probably naive or unrealistic I'd wait for the reccie: you may then decide you definitely don't want to make the move anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest26012 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 Hi, it's never going to be easy to move to the other side of the world, so it's natural to have doubts. Most people experience these emotions and they don't disappear when you emigrate. As Skani says it would be unrealistic if you didn't have doubts. I guess you are lucky in a way that you can do reccie. You can see before you buy, if you like. As long as you get some reality of living here during that time. We didn't do a reccie just came cold turkey, it worked for us! Enjoy your reccie and it may or may not help you to make your final decision, good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
midwife2005 Posted July 25, 2012 Author Share Posted July 25, 2012 You are so brave Madcow to have just made the move without knowing what you were going to, I'm certainly not brave enough for that! I know you can never be completely 100% about anything in life and i'm hoping we'll come and then be chomping at the bit to get out there permanently, that would be a dream come true. I'm just trying to be realistic I guess, that what we're doing is right for us and the kids. Oh to be fifteen years younger with no responsibilities......I wouldn't think twice! X Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starlight7 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 You are lucky you are able to do a reccie- and what a good idea, too. Most of us would have if we could have I guess. I'm wondering how long you are coming for and whether you will be able to get past the'holiday' feeling. For us it lasted about a year! It would be nice if you are able to check out a few of the capitals because they are all quite different from each other- I mean the 'feel' of them. For instance a place like FNQ is like a foreign country to us down here in Melbourne, completely different climate, different priorities , way of life. Perth might as well be Soviet Russia as far as I'm concerned ( bit warmer though). Just a thought, hope you won't be offended. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
calNgary Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I think its quite normal to have doubts as the visa is granted and plans cement into place.. I guess to an extent migrating is a gamble and in a way you 'have to be up for it' and willing to change a little or it will be a losing battle when you arrive. The first few months are tough, everything is alien, you have no support network but if you can work through it, you can cetainly have a good life out here. We are a few years in now, and i dont think id change much if i had my time again,, Remember Rome wasnt built in a day and a new life cant be built in a week.. Good Luck with everything Cal x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candygirl Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 It is perfectly normal to have doubts. My OH is besotted with Oz and he still wonders if it is the right thing to be doing. I am his conscious as I have been dubious for years about moving back so have done a lot of research to overcome my negatives. You will never really know until you are living there how things will be. Reccies, research and planning is brilliant, but as has been said migration is stressful and things take time and it will take a lot of hard work and effort from everyone to make things work. If you had said to me two years ago that I would be moving back to Aus, I would have laughed at you. Funny how things change and what things happen in your life to make you change direction. Enjoy your reccie. I am sure it will answer a lot of your questions and help to make you feel more secure in your decision. Good Luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest The Ropey HOFF Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I would say I am about 90% up for it, the wife about 50% my son similar and my daughter about 10% but ..... It changes by the month, it's up it's down it's ...... Just the way it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Becks1972 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I can feel your pain! :biggrin: I'm an Occupational Therapist ( you a midwife ??) ....we have quite a good life here....like my job...nice house in a nice area ....kids in good schools....etc etc I often wish I was the kind of person who throws caution to the wind and goes for it ...but I'm not BUT I'm wondering that if we don't at least try Australia we will never know if our life could be even better. Would I prefer to have regretted what we did rather than what we didn't do?? My answer to that changes by the hour :twitcy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quoll Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 No, never had any doubts about a move but, then I didnt think it was going to be a forever move - life is all about taking the best steps you can at the time. I dont know that we would have moved if we had had a better offer in UK, it's just the way things panned out. It certainly isnt the place I wanted to grow old in so am really relieved that the next best offer for us is back in UK (if you can call caring for octogenarian parents a better offer LOL) I dont know whether reccies are worth the money or not really. I dont think you can really know until you have lived in a place for a while - reccies are like holidays and who doesnt love a holiday. I'd say be pragmatic - work out what you can afford to lose and make a judgment about whether you want to gamble that or not. It's just another first world country at the end of the day. It might be better to keep your comfort and security and get your adventure on holidays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fisher1 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I cant speak about Australia but I have experienced making a radical move involving selling up and moving abroad. In my case it was only as far as Luxembourg, but still at the time, 27 years ago, massive. I waited until the very last second before posting my resignation and was definitely not 100% certain - and remember this was only Europe. The thing that clinched it for us was the thought that one day when we were older, how would we feel if we had passed up a chance to do something exciting with our lives and coincidentally give our daughter a better start. I think that is a relevant question however far away your destination. How would you feel? We went to Luxembourg for a year, stayed fifteen, and found it incredibly difficult to leave. I am now 'older' and am very very glad we took the opportunity. Our 'holiday' feeling lasted about a year too, but we never regretted going. 100% sure - not possible. Go with your gut feelings. Good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cronemeister Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 If you have the opportunity then take it. I am moving out there in a couple of months with the missus and our 2 kids (11 and 13 years old). We've never been to Oz before and can't afford a reccie. I have a job with a company out there who are sponsoring me on a 457 visa. My missus isn't keen on the idea but is prepared to give it a go. I'm hoping for us to get married whilst we're out there as well as we said we'd always go abroad to do it...maybe not as far as Oz, but we've got that opportunity. If we don't like it after a year or two we come back. We'll have had a 2 year holiday/honeymoon (all whilst being paid), which is a nice way to look at it. I don't doubt for one minute that it will be hard at times, but the fact I have a job to walk into is a big help and will be invaluable for building up a social network out there. When I'm 80 years old, wherever I may be at the time, I'd rather not look back at the things I didn't do but could have....even if the things I've done don't always work out. Our life is great here, and could be again if things don't work out. We're renting our home out so that will still be here if we need it, as will all of our friends and family. It's a nice option to fall back on. Good luck with whatever you decide. We'd rather do it and come back and say its not for us than not do it at all and wonder what if. People won't think any less of you if you come back not having liked it. Different strokes for different folks as they say ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fairystar32 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 Its normal to have doubts, its good your comming to see it, we just gave up our life and boarded a plane with 4 kids and we had never even been here before :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fairystar32 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 I agree, we couldnt afford a holiday to 'see' but then we believed the same as you.. I dont know whether reccies are worth the money or not really. I dont think you can really know until you have lived in a place for a while - reccies are like holidays and who doesnt love a holiday. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vanessa3 Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 It was my dream for 15 years to emigrate. Eventually, I was offered a job in Perth. We didn't have to think twice about coming so we sold up and came out last August. But within 2 weeks I was ready to go home. Perth just wasn't for me. I have family in Melbourne who suggested we try there before going home. We managed to get our container diverted and off we went. we are nearly a year on and I'm glad I gave it a go. The rose tinted glasses are coming off and I'm starting to settle. Work is work wherever you are and it's crap but the things you can do and see here are amazing and I feel very lucky. I have a 9 year old son who loves it here and he will have so many more opportunities. you can never regret the things you have done and even though it was really tough, I would always have regretted not taking this opportunity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest26012 Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 You are so brave Madcow to have just made the move without knowing what you were going to, I'm certainly not brave enough for that! I know you can never be completely 100% about anything in life and i'm hoping we'll come and then be chomping at the bit to get out there permanently, that would be a dream come true. I'm just trying to be realistic I guess, that what we're doing is right for us and the kids. Oh to be fifteen years younger with no responsibilities......I wouldn't think twice! X It does take some guts to come here having never been here, however, I sometimes think its the best way to do it! We had no expectations and were completely clueless about anything really! We came just the two of us though with no kids so maybe a bit easier for us! Reccies I suppose work for some. I guess it's hard not to treat them as a holiday though? I don't think you can decide that you're going to live here forever though by doing that reccie. You will either settle or prefer the uk? That's something that you will find out when you come for good! I wish you luck and hope you enjoy your time here. X Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest tandcmum Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 The doubts are perfectly normal, i was a complete train wreck before leaving and feel a bit silly about all the fuss now. We have been here 3 months, no reccie, no holiday in Oz before we just sold up and jumped on a plane. For us though we were struggling in the Uk, hubby couldn't find work, we lived in a small 2 bed flat with 2 kids, we had no money and we never seemed to be able to get ahead so we decided to give it a go here. No regrets at all, we love it here, and are doing well for ourselves, hubby has a job, kids love school, we have a fab lifestyle and have money in the bank still by each payday and that is with us spending lots on setting up ourselves here. If you can afford a reccie then go for it, but be aware it will be not like real life, even for our first few weeks here till we moved into our own rented place it was like a big holiday and only now are we starting to live normally i would say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnjinky Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 pretty normal feelings ..but to be honest we came for 6 weeks holiday and you don't really get a feeling for it...been here nearly 5 years and moving back home in october...(uk) good things and bad things same as anywhere but i find the expense of living here astronomical and i have really quite a well paid job...been to every state since been here travelling..(live in melbourne)and honestly hand on heart apart from the weather everywhere is the same same houses shops etc etc theres no character to the place but everybody's different so its to call........oct can't come quick enough.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flag of convenience Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 The thing with short visits is it that one tends to be in holiday mode and sees things through the eyes of a visitor. I would consider seriously giving up a successful business and what you already stated as to having a good life in England. For those with little or less to loose the choice may be easier. I would read all the posts stating the negatives as well as the positives and give consideration to the issues that are important to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest tandcmum Posted July 26, 2012 Share Posted July 26, 2012 The thing with short visits is it that one tends to be in holiday mode and sees things through the eyes of a visitor. I would consider seriously giving up a successful business and what you already stated as to having a good life in England. For those with little or less to loose the choice may be easier.I would read all the posts stating the negatives as well as the positives and give consideration to the issues that are important to you. i don't think had we had a good life in the UK, with a nice house, well paid jobs etc. we would have made the move. It is a complete new start and is tough financially and mentally, thankfully for us it has worked out but to come here and give up lots of good stuff then come here and struggle when you were comfortable in the Uk in my mind is not going to give you a good impression on your new country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Velocitraktor Posted August 6, 2012 Share Posted August 6, 2012 [...] It would be nice if you are able to check out a few of the capitals because they are all quite different from each other- I mean the 'feel' of them. For instance a place like FNQ is like a foreign country to us down here in Melbourne, completely different climate, different priorities , way of life. Perth might as well be Soviet Russia as far as I'm concerned ( bit warmer though). Just a thought, hope you won't be offended. Hi everybody, my first post here Starlight: what do you mean be that? That doesn't sound good. And another point of view: [...]been to every state since been here travelling..(live in melbourne)and honestly hand on heart apart from the weather everywhere is the same same houses shops etc etc theres no character to the place but everybody's different so its to call........oct can't come quick enough.... Correct me if I'm wrong - but it looks like Australians/cities are the same for a visitor but different for a 'local'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blobby1000 Posted August 6, 2012 Share Posted August 6, 2012 Hi all, We are booked to go on our reccie in December which we are so looking forward to, I think it will be such an invaluable experience and learning curve. We have a comfortable life here in the UK and I have been thinking about what we will be giving up to move to OZ. Sometimes I wish we didn't have a house to sell and my husband didn't have his business to sell, he's worked so hard to build up his business and keep it afloat during these really difficult times and it's hard to think he will be giving it up for something that might not work out. For me I think I need to be 100% sure that the move is right for us and hopefully the reccie will provide that. Its so difficult and I have a million and one questions going through my head and I know what I'm going through is probably normal but is it the same for others? Has anyone moved who did have doubts but just got swept along anyway? You get so caught up in the visa process, then when you actually get it that's when the enormity of what your about to do hits home. It's bloody scary! I hope it works out for you. My biggest issue has been the thought of being here forever! Thats the thing you have to get over to make a success of things out here I think..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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