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Anyone got any experience with Anglo-Pacific or Robinson? we have them both round for a quote and they are talking completely different ammounts of space required!


Need to get someone booked as we are due to be in Aus by mid September!!!!


Thanks Gaz n Em.


P.S, Tried Britannia and the response has been crap!

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Guest amydolly

Out of interest how much are the quotes. we have been quoted £3100 for 630cuft . 4100 for 750cuft them packing and everything. pss. seemed very proffessional steven morris quoted 6500 for 700cuft.But i need it to be more like 2500!!!

going to bendigo 125 km from melbourne.

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Hi amydolly, Our quotes are Anglo 590cuft £3150, Britannia 660cuft £3300, Robinsons (took 8 days to get the quote and after numerous phone calls and last resort snotty email) 20' sole use container (with space left over?!??!?) £4150 all plus approx $400 customs stuff!


I am tacking a very large Snap-On tool box which needs crating on its own - bear this in mind when comparing my quotes


We are going to go with Anglo - not just on price but the customer service has been excellent,


Hope this helps,


Gaz n Em x

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Guest amydolly

We were also very impressed with the customer service. Sounds like you should go with your gut instinct. Thanks for the prices, i might see if i can knock them down a bit!We are also taking a shed load(literally)of my husbands carpentry tools that all have to be cleaned but they have offered a free25kg air freight container to arrive in 10days home to port, or 50kg for an £230 to the door, which might enable him to at least have some hand tools when he arrives. The pss man advised me to open a NAB bank account because we can get an extra discount through them too.

Sounds like things are expensive when we get there so probably be best to take what we can.#

Good luck in your new ventures.


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