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Duck eggs ?

Guest kaths

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Guest kaths

Hi everyone :)

I was wondering if any of you have any experience in feeding your pooches duck eggs. Might be a strange question but I have several laying ducks and have loads of spare eggs. I do sell some but people seem to be vary of duck eggs and I would hate having to throw them away - there is only so many eggs one can eat ;) also are they better cooked or raw? I read somewhere that doggies can eat a whole raw egg incl. the shell. Has anyone got any experience with this? I am bit vary about giving my two a whole raw egg with the shell but would rather feed the eggs to them than putting them in the bin :( any advice would be appreciated :)

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Depends on the size of the dog. If small I'd say 1-2 a week total, if a large breed then 3-4.


Duck eggs are richer than chicken and so should not give as many. Also be aware they can cause the runs or a dodgy tummy. If you have more than one dog I'd try them a few days apart to begin so you can see if their tummies cope with the eggs.


I'd just bung a cracked egg on top of the dog food. If you want to give the shell and egg then wash the egg first and just give it to the dog whole and let them have some fun. You'll soon see if they like the shell or not.


ETA - If you feed a BARF diet then egg is a natural part of it.

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My only warning is that if you start giving pooch your lovely duck eggs, the pooch may be more included to try and help himself next time. Apart from that...what a healthy thing to put in the diet. Wet nose, glossy fur, waggy tail...and that's just you ;)


Oh...and there may then be the associated doggy puffs....with added eggy :)


Good luck with that :)



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