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Everything posted by WaitingGame77

  1. Urgent Request from everyone: Please make a submission to the Australian Senate about this issue. The submission closing date is 30 Apr 2021 !!! I've posted more information here https://www.pomsinoz.com/topic/213074-urgent-family-and-partner-visa-senete-enquiy-let-senete-hear-your-voice-submissions-closing-30-apr-2021/ Even if you had your visa granted, or if you know someone who has been through this pain, please take a moment to read and make your case to the Government.
  2. Urgent Request from everyone: Please make a submission to the Australian Senate about this issue. The submission closing date is 30 Apr 2021 !!! I've posted more information here https://www.pomsinoz.com/topic/213074-urgent-family-and-partner-visa-senete-enquiy-let-senete-hear-your-voice-submissions-closing-30-apr-2021/ Even if you had your visa granted, or if you know someone who has been through this pain, please take a moment to read and make your case to the Government.
  3. Urgent Request from everyone: Please make a submission to the Australian Senate about this issue. The submission closing date is 30 Apr 2021 !!! I've posted more information here https://www.pomsinoz.com/topic/213074-urgent-family-and-partner-visa-senete-enquiy-let-senete-hear-your-voice-submissions-closing-30-apr-2021/ Even if you had your visa granted, or if you know someone who has been through this pain, please take a moment to read and make your case to the Government.
  4. Urgent Request from everyone: Please make a submission to the Australian Senate about this issue. The submission closing date is 30 Apr 2021 !!! I've posted more information here https://www.pomsinoz.com/topic/213074-urgent-family-and-partner-visa-senete-enquiy-let-senete-hear-your-voice-submissions-closing-30-apr-2021/ Even if you had your visa granted, or if you know someone who has been through this pain, please take a moment to read and make your case to the Government.
  5. For everyone waiting, please make a submission to the Australian Senate about this issue. The submission closing date is 30 Apr 2021 !!! I've posted more information here https://www.pomsinoz.com/topic/213074-urgent-family-and-partner-visa-senete-enquiy-let-senete-hear-your-voice-submissions-closing-30-apr-2021/ Even if you had your visa granted, or if you know someone who has been through this pain, please take a moment to read and make your case to the Government.
  6. If you don't know, there's a senate enquiry ongoing for family and partner visa issues. Most family and partner visa applicants have been a target of political games from both sides, and this is probably the only chance you'll get to make the Government hear your voice. https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/FamilyandPartnerVisas If you've been through this pain, please make upload a submission - it can help you and everyone else! The bad news is, this submission closing date is hidden - all submissions will close on 30th April 2021. DON'T STAY SILENT AND THINK EVERYONE ELSE WILL DO IT. EVEN AT LEAST 1 PARAGRAPH WILL HELP THE COMMITTEE TO UNDERSTAND THE SCALE OF THE ISSUE. Enquiry link: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/FamilyandPartnerVisas Closing dates: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Submissions_Open To make a submission, register, and upload a document with some valid points. During submission, you can check the boxes to keep all information confidential if you'd like. A couple of hours of your time can benefit thousands of others. If you know anyone else who might find this helpful, please pass the message soon. Again, don't postpone this and don't think other people will do it and your submission won't matter. Your submission matters and they can listen only if you speak up.
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