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Everything posted by Caramello

  1. Caramello

    Nervous Cat

    My cat also don`t like travelling. I think you can add some toys and bedding mat to the crate: familiar scents will be calming. Also you can make a part of the crade darken, where the cat can hide from strange and loud sounds. Use calming spray or drops to make you cat not to be nervous. Think how to take a little bit water & food for trip. And one more important point: check your cat`s veterinary passport and all the papers & conditions of airline company. Some companies admit transportation in the aircraft cabin (for example, if your cat has low weight). Good trip to your cat!
  2. So sorry((( You really had so clever and beautiful dog. I understand you, fewer years ago our favorite cat passed (british shorthair, 12 years old). Hugs to you. It will be hard not to hear familiar sounds in your home. It will take a time to overcome it. Maybe then you can get a new pet - a dog or a cat, or even more exotical being. We took a kitten that year. It has opposite character, it`s a truly bully, but we love it) And we love and remember our late cat too.
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