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  1. Thank you I’ve contacted some migration agencies and nursing agencies they can find me work on a temporary visa! I guess if it goes well I could get sponsored permanently. Some agencies refund flights if you do so many hours of work for them too. I think I could take a career break from NHS and at least try it for a year or 2 and see if my daughter settles so this is very good news!!! No idea what happens to UK pension though if you do settle in Oz. Thank you everyone I am going to investigate further xx
  2. Thought I’d read age 50 Somewhere? That’s so sad and a big life lesson. I didn’t go as planned when my daughter was 6 as my Mum got Parkinson’s disease. Thank you for the replies xx
  3. Hi at 48 am I too old to apply for a working visa? I’m an emergency department sister a registered nurse with 20 years nursing experience. I have a 15 year old daughter who will finish school next year and we hope to try and work and live in NSW (me work/her college) where do I start? And am I too old? Do I need an immigration agency? Thank you in advance x
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