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Posts posted by LucyS

  1. Hello... Im hoping someone can help and sorry if this is posted in the incorrect place!

    I am a british citizen (currently living in Britain) after being in Aus for 12 months and my partner is an Australian citizen. By some miracle (lots of medical history...I wont go into!) I fell pregnant during my time in Aus. I need to have the baby (due in May) in the UK due to my own health reasons.... anyway once the baby is born I want to include my partner as 'father' on the birth certificate but if he isn't in the UK when this is to be done he apparently cant go on the birth certificate! Has anyone had the same issue or know anyone who could help! The UK have a statutory declaration of acknowledgment form that one parent can complete if they aren't present to register a childs birth but Ive been told this may not be legal if completed in Australia!

    Thanks to anyone who can help :) 

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