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  1. Does your partner have formal qualifications and high English test result ? Bernadette Burns MARN. 0744805
  2. I would suggest the 820/801 visa if possible. I would need further information from you thought. You may be able to obtain permanent residency straight away thru the partner visa rather than sitting on a temporary visa for two years before you can apply for the permanent. Kind regards Bernadette Burns Registered Migration Agent since 2007 MARN 0744805 bern.burns@yahoo.com.au
  3. There is no exemption for skills assessment for certain applicants for specific occupations and passport holders. Kind regards Bernadette Burns Registered Migration Agent registered from 2007 MARN. 0744805 bern.burns@yahoo.com.au
  4. I suggest you request your movement records from Immigration to make sure their record matches your records. The calculator is not to be relied on Bernadette Burns Registered Migration Agent, MARN 0744805 www.avcons.com.au bern.burns@yahoo.com.au info@avcons.com.au
  5. This scenario is dangerous! I would need some further information.
  6. Probably should not have lodged while onshore as the Department is VERY strict on waiving Sch3. Depending on your situation you may be able to apply for offshore partner now or in 12 months time, depending on what your residency lawfulness is at the moment. You can contact me if you wish Kind regards Bernadette Burns MARN 0744805 info@avcons.com.au www@avcons.com.au bern.burns@yahoo.com.au
  7. Hi Virajhu By the time a hearing comes around it could be up to two years. The 187 DE closes in November this year. The old subclass 457 visas that were refused and went to AAT now have to apply for ministerial intervention to obtain a visitor visa and start the process again for a current relevant visa. If you have any questions you can contact me. Kind regards Bernadette Burns MARN. 0744805
  8. Hi If co asked for wife’s medicals, then all looks on the positive side. Could be any day now. Thanks
  9. Hi snd When did you lodge the 187? Was it temporary transition pathway or direct entry ? What type of business is your sponsor ? Thanks
  10. Hi Emma The subclass 482 visa requires at least 2 years post qualification full-time work experience. They can also take into account part-time work as long as it is permanent part-time work, not casual employment. Hope this helps Thanks
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