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Everything posted by Nounou

  1. So my Australian daughter has been living in the States for close to ten years and now has an American husband and child - with two more on the way (Twins due in a month). Anyway they planned to move to Aus in Jan 2020 and for some reason we thought it would be a simple matter of her moving back with them in all in tow and apply for a spouse visa once they were here. We have now realized that the application process for the temporary visa normally takes at least 14 months which must be received before they arrive. Is there another way they can move here - perhaps he be the stay at home Dad for 14 months (she is a finance analyst so this is an option although I know she wanted to spend more time with the kids not less...) or would he be able to get a holiday working visa (he’s just turned 30) - although I noted somewhere he couldn’t have dependent children on that visa.. any other suggestions for them? Tia for any help received,,,
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