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Posts posted by Ausvisitor

  1. 4 hours ago, swc132994 said:

    Last update:

    There were a few damaged goods so we contacted Letton Percival to put forward a claim. The first thing we noticed is that Letton Percival are just a  insurance broker with the insurance and claim actually was handled by a company called Tokio Marine.

    It did take some time for the claim to process but submitting the claim was straight forward. We submitted the shipping paperwork including the delivery note as well as photos with description of the damage and an estimate to replace or repair in Australia.

    Tokio Marine are one of the largest logistics insurers on the planet; they are usually very good

  2. 13 hours ago, Raul Senise said:

    This is the date you are considered skilled in your occupation.

    It has different context depending on the visa you are applying for.

    A simplified example would be for a certain career, vetassess say their definition of "skilled" is having a relevant degree and three years of applicable work experience.

    Now in your country you might be deemed skilled on passing the degree (lets say you graduated 25/10/2009) - so you think you've been "skilled" for 10 years.

    However in reality you took 2 years straight from UNI and went travelling. (travel finished 25/10/2011)

    Came home and did 2 years working in your career. (work finished 25/10/2013)

    Then took 4 years out to look after kids until school age (kid care finished 25/10/2017)

    You've now got a job in your career again and stil working in it. 

    So you didn't actually reach the required 3 years of experience until 25/10/2018 so that is you "skilled" date for VETASSESS - so as off today you have one year of work experience for immigration points purposes (the amount of time worked in a relevant role since your "skilled" date)


    The actual process is more involved, but this gives you a very high level view of how it applies

  3. On 26/09/2019 at 05:54, Brunswick91 said:

    Yes including state points but the higher the points you have the better as they will always choose the person with high points first and at the moment 70 points is even considered low. I applied in August with 70 points for a non pro rata and have not got an invite yet. I think its really competitive at the moment so 70 probably still isn't sufficient, I'm trying to increase mine to 80.

    Don't get downhearted about it I applied in April for my nomination and got asked to apply in 48 hours with 70 points (65 before nomination),

    What seems to be important (for NSW at least) seems to be the English points awarded they seem to prioritise those with 20 English points

    • Congratulations 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Lavers said:

    Looking like the 190 was the best route seeing as the 189 has gone out to 11 - 33 months

    I'm hoping I will agree with you in a couple of months 😉

    To us it was a no-brainer - we knew where we wanted to move to and we could apply for either a 189 or 190 there so it made sense to go for the 190 (which so long as you're occupation is on the list) seems to be the path of least resistance. Our invite to apply for nomination/sponsorship was in our inbox within 48 hours of lodging.

    Hopefully the wait will be over soon. As we've already done our police certs (involved a couple of more difficult countries that I lived in for work) and getting Meds done in a couple of weeks we might end up with a direct grant about the time you get yours after meds and certs

  5. 18 hours ago, JRC said:

    I am using a MA and we completed our Form 80 forms and then sent them to her. It was very time consuming and I understand your frustration because we also completed a huge questionnaire for our MA at the very beginning of the process with mostly the same information as the Form 80. 

    The MA gets you to do that initial work up front so they can assess your likelihood of being admissable and the best path to take the application. 

    You have to fill in the Form 80 because with the best will in the world they won't know the answer to everything - hell I didn't know the answer to everything straight away when I filled it out myself so there is no way my agent would

  6. 13 hours ago, ali said:

    No, they don't have any obligation - they are not assessing the information.  My friend had high BP at her test (was going through a stressful time).  It was the Dr's for the commonwealth who assess the medical information that asked her to get additional tests and a cardiologist report.

    Well okay I'll re-state what I meant. They don't have any obligation based on the fact you have paid them to do the investigation.

    However if they discover something very serious (the Big C or some large lump etc.) they are under professional oath (hypocratic oath) to tell you; this overrides any undertaking they may be under to not disclose results of the assessment to you.

    BP being raised is not in itself something serious enough to require further action; it's also unlikely to be a reason to deny you access to a PR visa either - but you shuld still get it checked out

  7. 6 hours ago, basrahafsa said:

    i hve applied for pr 186 in feb  2018 but i hve to withdraw  in dec 2018 due to my company  it no longer exist  and i reapplied  in august 2019  without a medical done bcz  my visa expired now i m on bridging visa next month i hve to go for my medical how long it will take to get my pr after medical because i have already waited for 20 months 

    Which visa have you applied for this time (PR 186 or different)?

    You might feel like you have waited 20 months but you haven't you started a new application in August this year so you have only been waiting at most 2 months. Most visas (regardless of what actual number) are taking 7-11 months if they are straightforward to process so I would guess you are looking at about May-Jul 2020

  8. 3 hours ago, rammygirl said:

    The doctor doing the medical does not make the decision, they submit it directly to the medical board in Australia for that. You do not see it.

    Saying that they should be able to give you an indication after your examination. 

    If all is straightforward it takes maybe 2-5 weeks for the Aussie board to process once they receive it. The clinic have to wait for any blood test results before they submit too.


    That's how I understood it to.

    Ultimately if the doctor finds anything really untoward they have a duty of care to you as the patient to inform you so you can go and get treatment - what they don't have (and won't do) is the obligation to tell you all is okay - that is for the AUS health board

  9. 21 minutes ago, sazid.au said:

    Congratulations mate!!

    May I know your occupation and state please. 

    I'm pretty sure once you have your 190 nomination the applications for a visa grant are handled in pretty much time order (within the various visa types 189, 190 etc) so the state and occupation should make no difference once you've lodged the full visa application.

    It's my understanding they only affect the time taken to ne invited to apply - - I could be wrong though

  10. 5 hours ago, Lavers said:

    Good news everyone...I have had a request for my medicals and police checks this morning 👍 178days since submitting my application.

    Cool - if mine is 178 days after lodging application then January 1st will be a new year in more ways than usual ...

    Congrats on getting to the last hurdle mate...

  11. 6 hours ago, Affan said:

    Hi my eoi date of effect on homepage is 6/08/2019. but yesterday when I accidentally updated my Eoi and the date of effect in point breakdown is showing 13/10/2019. I did not claimed any additional points my points are same was just updating my bachelor and master education info. C

    This is what I think happens, but an MRA view would be good to get it from the "horse's mouth"


    Whenever you change salient information (and your education is pretty key to a VISA application) it updates the EOI as you have now given them information which supercedes what they had before and you are expecting them to make a decision based on that. The fact it hasn't changed the points total is irrelevant.

    I know it seems harsh, but imagine the alternative, you update something but they don't change the DOE. When they review your case they have to review it based on the data in place at EOI (so in this case your UNI records are wrong). They offer you an application then immediately rescind it because your UNI info was incorrect.

    This is why most MRA will advise you to get all your paperwork in place before applying for an EOI and after that only update if you really have to (you find errors) or it increases your points - as any saved changed to key details will push back the DOE

  12. 50 minutes ago, Vardy88 said:

    Ok thank you for your help.  So is there a chance that I would be allowed to enter to complete 3 month regional work or is that out of the question now?  I am an Electrical Engineer by trade so would it make sense to go down the Skilled work visa route instead?

    No chance whatsoever on the option of coming in to do 3 months regional work. You've had the visa you are entitled to, you squandered it on a three month holiday (that you could have done as a simple visitor). 

    Your only option for a work visa now is one of the more formal temporary or permanent visas; these are expensive and take some time to apply for

    Not what you wanted to hear I guess

  13. 13 hours ago, Lavers said:

    Hi Pinklady

    Cost for a family of 4 with me being the main applicant has been:

    2 x IELTS tests: £320

    Skill Assessment for metal fab: £1600

    EOI to SA: £100

    Visa fees: £4150

    Medicals (when we do them): £800

    Police checks (when we do them): £100

    I started the process last June but dragged my heels a little as we dont want to move until next August. 

    My skill assessment took 4 months to complete.

    My EOI took 4 weeks to be accepted for a 190visa to SA.

    Then I finally submitted my visa at the end of April this year with no CO contact as of yet.

    Which visa are you looking at and are you doing both skill assessments? If you are you could be adding unnecessary costs.

    Our medicals are £315 each - where are you going as it seems cheaper, or have you got some under 15s with you (they are cheaper)

  14. To use a "crude analogy" again, the ICT Analyst role is looking to see if you learned the skills to be able to write a product like "Adobe Illustrator" rather than learnt the skills to be able to use it.

    I think unless your degree included things like:

    1) Database theory

    2) C / Python / Java programming

    3) Project Planning (using MS Project or equivalent)

    4) Software lifecycle theory (waterfall, SCRUM, Agile)

    5) Interface design

    6) Mobile App Development

    then you will struggle to get it assessed as an equivalent ICT Major.


    Web Designer (the career) is a separate ANZSCO code to ICT Analyst and has lesser ICT coding skills required - whether it is open for application or availbale in the region you want though I don't know.


  15. 14 hours ago, fjm said:

    Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. I know you can’t say for sure, but do you think there is a risk of being granted only 3 months RRV based on my situation?

    Also, is it easier to use a RMA based in UK? Or Australia? What is the approximate cost involved for using RMA?

    I don't think you'll get a figure for this out of a RMA on a public website as it would set a precedent and to be honest the prices will be related to the work you require (and in the case of not signing up for the "complete" service" how complex it is to sort that specific issue).

    However, i cant see any decent RMS being unwilling to give you a comprehensive quote if you deal direct with them. The one's that post frequently on here are all good

  16. 4 hours ago, Lavers said:

    No not yet I only submitted my application end of April this year and I didn't submit my medical and police check.

    Its looking like end of November when I will be asked for my medical, then maybe my grant early next year.

    If you want to do everything fast make sure that you submit your medicals and police checks at the start. Processing for the 190 is at 9 - 10 months at the minute so not too bad.

    How does having the meds and police checks speed it up? Is it that when you plan to have your first CO contact that if they could have seen all wa sin order they would do the grant then, where as you will need to get the paperwork done, submitted and then they need to pick it back up again?

    How much quicker do you think it is if everything is in place as opposed to waiting to be asked (i.e. you are looking at about 10 months from lodge - how qucik do you think you might have got it if you had pre-loaded all this stuff?)

  17. 23 hours ago, paulhand said:

    There is no such thing as a spent conviction as far as immigration are concerned. The 2013 conviction will show, and it is likely the caution will too. There are three 'levels' on the ACRO report:

    NO TRACE = No Criminal Record. NO LIVE TRACE = Old Criminal Record. LIVE TRACE = Recent Criminal Record

    If you have either of the latter two, you will need to explain further and likely produce a subject access report. Neither would be fatal to an application if properly declared.

    Absolutely - although a subject access request and the additional checks based on the explanation given will take longer

  18. 2 hours ago, BruceLee said:

    Not bothered but NSW would be good.

    Once we had gotten the positive skills assessment (no 190 application will be doubtful to succeed without it). We applied on the friday and had an invite before the end of the next week.

    Turned round the paperwork really quickly and had an acceptance for sponsorship within 4 works

    Now juts waiting for the visa to be granted...

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, tweedles said:

    Thank you for both your replies, this was exactly the information I was looking to confirm. From reading the skills list I would agree that I would fall into UNIT GROUP 2611 and have 6 years of applied experience based on reading the skill description.

    Thank you again for taking time out to reply


    No problem, the VA assessment is about £850 so not something to throw away lightly on making the wrong ANZSCO choice.

  20. 3 hours ago, tweedles said:

    Also just to add, I am a IT consultant and help organisations with IT transformation, which is why I would like to check if VETASS would see my degree as relevant 

    Just to add... this is from VETASSESS

    "Assist organisations to achieve greater efficiency and solve organisational problems, and study organisational structures, methods, systems and procedures. ICT Business Analysts are excluded from this unit group. ICT Business Analysts are included in Unit Group 2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts."

    Now speaking as someone who is a director in one of the Big 4 you would be classed as a ICT Analyst, even though we might use the catch-all term management consultant to describe you and your colleagues. (and therefore you should be applying using the 2611 group of codes)

  21. I applied for this ANZSCO code a few months ago and am now waiting the full visa grant.

    What I would say is that VetAssess will likely find your degree equivalent to an AUS degree but not highly relevant to the role. I say this as mine was a similar title to yours and that is what they did with mine.

    Equally that will mean you need to qualify with actual experience on the job (5 years if I remember correctly)

    You also will struggle with the classification of 224711 given what you describe your work to be - as 224711 explicitly makes a ruling that management consultants with a high computing element should apply under the IT consultant role (which is pro-rata). I was okay with this as I haven't done any IT related consultancy in over 10 years.

    It is widely thought that 224711 is one of the hardest careers to get a +ve acceptance for; so if you aren't using a migration agent you should seriously consider it. After all you make your living from the concept that you employ an expert to guide you through the difficult things....

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