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Status Updates posted by bevhal

  1. Hi Thank you for the info re the dog.  still deliberating on that onel

    My question at the moment … now you have been back a while how do you feel.  As the time gets closer to our move, I find I am getting really anxious, perhaps overthinking too much.  We will leave our son who is 24 here as he has Uni to complete but our 18 year old daughter has always wanted to return, and we have a 28 yr old son who moved to London well over 8 yrs ago, so a family divided, although our son who is staying has never said never to joining us if we decide to stay for the foreseeable future.  My issue isn't really with all of the above,  I guess it centres around all the uncertainty there at the moment... I am not into politics and obviously having not been apart of the whole Brexit fiasco find it somewhat difficult to understand, I do however see points on both sides, and wonder how if at all it will affect the ordinary man on the street.  My decision to go home has always been extended family and old friends..

    long question sorry

    Thank you 

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