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Everything posted by kb36

  1. hi richard, thank you for replying. just wanted to clarify.. so even if i dont add work experience to my LOD, dibp will still recognise my work experience as long as i have an employment reference statement stating i have worked for 1 yr with atleast 20 hours per forthnight?
  2. hi, im a registered nurse. I received my LOD from anmac last yr. I was an international student without overseas experience, so i was not required to provide any professional reference. I now require extra 5 points in order to reach 60 points for my PR application-189. Do i need to send a professional reference assessment to anmac in order to received another LOD stating i have 1 yr paid australian experience? i only have parttime work experince with an average of 30 hours per week on my employment reference letter and a total of 1470 hours to date. does that mean i need to have fulltime work experience and theres no point sending the professional reference assessment as i didnt work fulltime with less than 1950 hours paid work experience and i wont be able to claim the 5 pts for skilled employment from dibp?
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