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  1. Hi Mr Shkubistan I reckon you should contact an immigration agent because you will find this situation challenging. If you got married in Australia that will make things a bit easier. Having looked into both types of visas myself I found that there were some few small advantages to applying for the offshore visa (301/100) but the cost is the same http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/309- All the best to you!
  2. According to the website: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/801- an 820 visa task 20-25 months to process so after the student visa expires he would get automatically receive a BVA unless a decision was made. according to this information: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/010- honestly though - if he has competent English, is under 50 and has a required skill and/or uni degree it is faster and cheaper to apply as a skilled worker! (i.e. subclass 187/186/190) http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/ Best of luck!
  3. My husband is Australian, I am Canadian and we have been working and living in Africa since we were married over three years ago. His contract ended and he accepted work in Australia - he has just completed his probation period so as it now looks like a permanent position I am looking to join him in Australia. We were gob-smacked by the $7k price of a partner (309/100) visa, so we have now been apart over 6-months to save up for that But as a Canadian citizen I don't think I can apply for a spousal visa offshore if I am not residing in my home country and my residence visa is about to expire in the country I am currently residing in. Does anyone here have any experience or knowledge of that? We cannot find any information about that online and we both work out of town so cannot check with the local authorities during business hours in person... So I think, barring having to go back to Canada and wait for 20-or-more-months >.< I think my only option is to go to Australia on a tourist visa and apply for an onshore spousal (820/801) visa. I realise I won't be able to work for the term of the tourist visa, but at least we won't have to have a relationship via Skype anymore Any input is welcome
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