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Everything posted by KushalP

  1. I can tell you that moving to Australia from the United Kingdom is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. No doubt, I had a great time living and working in the United Kingdom, it gave me the best education with its standard education system, and you cannot doubt the standard of living in the United Kingdom, but I needed some change in my life, something thrilling and different from the United Kingdom and I chose Australia. I am going to highlight something you will need to know about moving to Australia from what I have experienced living in Australia for the past six years. And I am sure this will help you make up your mind about moving to Australia. Securing Your VISA In my experience and as a citizen of the United Kingdom, obtaining my VISA was an easy process, and the VISA was awarded by the Australian government. You can visit the Australia embassy in the United Kingdom to get more information, and I assure you that it will run smoothly. Australia is a country that welcome immigrant especially expatriates that are willing to work. This is because there are enough jobs opportunity available in the country and the government needs the expatriate to boost the economy. Living In Australia is Like Being On A Vacation Australia is the seventh largest country in the world, and I can tell you that the country has beautiful landmass, dominated by natural beauty and scene. It like being on vacation, living and working in Australia, You wake up to the fresh breath of air unlike the overpopulated and polluted cities in most of Europe. I can tell you that the environment is one of the main reasons I choose to relocate to Australia and that reason has been justified since moving to this country six years ago. The country is an island surrounded by the ocean, and you have lots of beach, resorts and beautiful place to relax and have fun. Since moving to Australia, I have enjoyed and come to understand the meaning of the great outdoors. I enjoy great outdoor activities like fishing, viewing the wildlife, mountain climbing and other activities nature has to offer. Living in Australia is different from living in the United Kingdom; I have become very in tune with nature and appreciated what nature has to offer. It has some spiritual impact on my life also as I have come to appreciate some of the little things in life such as the singing of the birds, insect singing at night and the smell of flowers as well. It Offers Job Opportunities And Have A Thriving Economy With the present economic situation in the world, Australia is a country that still has enough jobs to offer to immigrants coming to the country. Australia boost of one of the lowest rate of unemployment in the world and when I moved here I had a job waiting for me, and more than 90% of the immigrants I have met here are working, all of them at different skills and level of expertise. The economy of Australia is one of the most stable and biggest in the world, it is a very wealthy nation and stand toe to toe with countries like Switzerland. It is a developed nation, so you have all the necessary amenities that made the standard of living high in the United Kingdom. There Is Relatively Safety Living in Australia The life expectancy living in Australia is very high with good and quality standard of living. There is low-stress level living in Australia as people seem to enjoy living and working in this country. The crime rate is relatively low compared to some other part of the world as you can only hear of minor crimes and they are few in between in the country. When it comes to safety, I have traveled to many parts of the world, and I think Australia is one of the safest locations in the world, as most people are employed, and there is a culture that frowns against crime. The Purchasing Power In Australia As I said, that I will mention some things you have to know relocating to Australia from the United Kingdom, well, living in Australia is less expensive than living in the United Kingdom when it comes to certain utilities. I will have to admit that common things are less expensive in Australia than the United Kingdom, as the price of a Toyota corolla in the United Kingdom is over £18 000 is a little £14 000 in Australia and a meal at a restaurant goes for £12.00 in the United Kingdom and £10.89 in Australia. So if you compare the prices of most stuff in the United Kingdom to that of Australia, it is less expensive living in Australia compared to living in the United Kingdom. However, in Australia prices in restaurants are cheaper than that in the United Kingdom, while local purchasing power is higher in Australia than the United Kingdom according to statistics. The Australian economy has an edge in that Australian has more purchasing power over the United Kingdom, thus you can buy things easily here in Australia. The People Living In Australia When I moved to Australia, I thought I would engage a tremendous cultural change, but contrary to what I expected, I noticed many things are British like. This is because, during the colonization period, the British encouraged most of its citizens to move to Australia. Thus the British culture remains relevant in the country. And also, in Australia, you will find a significant number of foreigners as I have mentioned earlier, the country is very open to immigrants. So you will meet up with people of various culture and tradition. The people of Australia are very happy and welcoming people; they are very cordial to people visiting the country. And they like to share their culture and traditions with foreigners, as they welcome you to take part in their traditional activities and making you feel part of the community. I will encourage you to move to Australia and come and enjoy the best that nature has to offer, in a secure and safe location. Everyday life in Australia is like a holiday, and with its relative safety and stable economy, you can plan your future in peace. You should look on more fact on www.pomsinoz.com as I found it very useful in making research when planning my relocation to Australia.
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