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Posts posted by Redemption

  1. 10 minutes ago, Quoll said:

    Don't need to apply for 143 onshore. They can put in an application right now offshore if you and they fulfil all the criteria and they can visit you while they wait. On a bridging visa they won't be entitled to anything and if they want to buy a home it will cost them considerably more than a resident.  And, at the end of the day, if they fail the medical they will have to go home, so, much better to jump through all the hoops before moving and being sure you have a permanent visa. 

    Thanks for this. I think it that's the case it would make sense for us to lodge a subclass 143 offshore and just keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't take 15 years. Assuming we go down this route would this mean that when they want to visit Australia they would need a tourist visa? 

    From our perspective, we are willing to part with the initial application fee and just hope for the best. If the 143 allows us to do this and have my parents remain offshore and maintain their current lifestyle whilst waiting then it would be best option for us. I think we will have to be realistic and go into it knowing that it might not get approved in their lifetimes but it's worth a shot anyway. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    They can arrive on a tourist visa, then lodge the application.   Once the tourist visa expires, their bridging visa (BVA) will become valid.  A BVA has no travel rights, they are stuck in Australia until the 864 is granted (which will be about 15 years).    If they want to leave the country, even for a holiday, they'll need to apply for a BVB, giving a specific reason why they need to travel.  The BVB will be granted for a specific length of time, based on their reason, e.g. it might be three months to attend to some business.   You can't get an open-ended BVB.   If they fail to return to Australia before the BVB expires, they'll be denied entry altogether.

    Thanks for this. 

    When on a BVA, will they be entitled to Medicare or will they be needing private health care during this time? And would they be able to get a BVB relatively easily if they wanted to go home for a holiday (for 3 or months or less) or will this be a massive headache?

    If we opt for the subclass 143 instead, would the main difference be that once the visa is lodged in Australia* they are free to leave the country and only return when the application is granted?

    *I believe it still needs to be lodged onshore as they are of retirement age.

  3. Hi all,

    I am considering moving my parents to Australia (I'm a PR) via the Subclass 864 visa but have a couple of questions with regard to this process:

    1. It says my parents need to be in Australia at the time of application. Can they arrive on a tourist visa to lodge the application and then return our home country until the PR is granted? Or do they need to remain in Australia? If they have to remain in Australia I assume they would need private health care but if they are allowed to go home whilst it's being processed private health care won't be needed? Is this correct? 

    2. The wait time on the official IMMI website is said to be around 5 years which would be a palatable amount of time but I have read on this forum that it would be closer to 15 years!? If so, this would be a deal breaker as my parents are 70 and 73.

    Apart from the two matters above, I believe we meet all the required criteria and we also have no issue with the fees. The only sticking points would be if the wait really is around 15 years and if they cannot wait in their home country whilst it's being processed. 

    Any help on the above would really be very greatly appreciated. 


  4. On 01/07/2021 at 09:53, mallan82450 said:

    For the 186 visa, the request for a medical is automatically triggered when you submit your application not when your visa has been assessed. On submission you are provided with a HAPID that allows you to book medicals. I could be wrong but your application will not have been looked at this stage unfortunately (unless perhaps you are PMSOL). 

    Medical examination appointments are notorious for having long waiting times before they are available and this is a common question on this forum. There is nothing you can do to bring it forward other that spending time refreshing their website and hoping for cancellations in the location of your choice. We avoided this by booking an appointment in Canberra (we live in Sydney) and made a weekend of it there, that way we got an appointment a week after we were provided with our HAPID for medicals. Probably not so easy done at the moment with lock downs and restrictions.

    Thanks for the advise. I had BUPA up on a separate screen at work and spent about an hour intermittently refreshing the site last Friday and got lucky with a slot on the same day at 4.45PM so booked it as soon as I saw that it was available. 

    Fortunately, I am on the PMSOL but am not too fussed to be honest. Before Christmas would be nice and anything before that a massive bonus. If it drags on, it drags on - there really is nothing I can do at this time apart from exercise patience. 

  5. Hi all - pretty sure no one will have a specific answer for this but thought I might ask anyway. I submitted my visa a couple of days ago and was pretty much immediately requested to attend a medical health check with BUPA. I went onto the BUPA website and the earliest date I could get was almost 2 months out (23 August 2021) so I took it but am wondering if there is any chance that I might be able to bring this forward and if anyone else in a similar position has had much luck trying to do this? On their website BUPA has said that they won't entertain any such requests. Also, I was under the impression that you are only requested to perform a health check after your application has been assessed but mine seems to have been requested immediately? Any idea why this is or have I misunderstood when a health examination is required?


  6. Hi all - the 186 TRTS processing time on the IMMI website has increased to between 14 months and 17 months. Does anyone know why this is?

    My employer has nominated me and that has all been approved, the agent within the firm has been in contact and all required documents have been requested. I have everything I need except the police certificate from my home country and that has been a process to receive due to COVID complications. Fingers crossed I get it before the end of the month. Anyway. when I first started the process early this year, the timeline on the website was between 6 and 9 months. Any idea why the sudden increase in timeframe?

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