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Posts posted by Nissa

  1. Hi everyone.


    We submitted our 489 application at the end of June. We were then asked to submit our form 80, police checks and medicals which were all done and sent back on 12th August.


    Since then we have heard nothing.


    It states on the website as 3 months for processing 489 applications. It's now 4 months since application was submitted and on immiaccount it is still showing as "assessment in progress".


    is anyone else experiencing delays with 489 applications?


    Thanks guys.


    Nissa x

  2. Hi Mark,


    Thankyou for your reply. So in effect then as long as we live and work in a regional/rural area in accordance with condition 8539 and comply with the relevant postcodes attached to said condition we are within our rights to go to a state other than the one who sponsored us.





  3. Hi everyone


    Could someone clarify this for me please.


    If you get a State Sponsorship 489 visa having had a certain state sponsoring you, are you able to live and work in a rural area of a different state without jeopardising the conditions of your visa?



  4. Hi there :hug:


    just wanted to say welcome and that I certainly feel your pain We are at the same point as you, form 80, police checks and medicals all done and uploaded on 12 August. We were told 4-6 weeks from that date for a decision and we are at 6 weeks tomorrow eek!!! It drives you crazy everyday just waiting. Our agent has said it should be any day now!!!


    we have an agent acting for us too and I know that they have one immi account for their company which all clients cases are linked to so they cannot give that information out as it's the company account. So each day we wait.......and wait......and keep waiting for that much wanted email/phone call.


    i hope you hear something very soon libla xx

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