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Everything posted by CJT

  1. I wonder how many UK citizens living in the UK do not have a passport, I would guess a large number. If you have no intention of leaving the country (holidays, work etc...) then you will not need one.
  2. Hi there Lissie0309, this is an issue I am really grappling with at the moment. I was born in the UK and lived there the age of 28 when I came out to OZ (1993). I used to really enjoy it here but in the last few years long to go home to the UK. I personally miss my family (who up until 2010 used to be able to come over to visit). I don't wan't to turn this into some kind of whinge. I really miss the history of the UK, old houses, pubs with character, the British sense of humour and 'real' people, British countryside and the proximity to Europe and the diversity that has to offer. I am not sure if it just that I am getting older or whether so may people nowadays here seem fake and superficial (I seriously do not care that you drive a flash car or live in a pretentious characterless mansion). The sun over here is Brutal !!!, and xmas day getting fried on the beach eating prawns (I do like prawns by the way) does absolutely nothing for me - give me a roaring fire and home cooked roast anyday. Give it a go you might well love it as I did. Different people enjoy different things (the world would be very boring otherwise), as you get older your outlook on life/priorities will change. Good luck with your decision.
  3. CJT

    I wanna go home

    I know how you feel I have been in Aus since 1993. I loved it over here, met my wife had children etc...BUT we have been back to the UK twice in the last two years to visit family and relatives and I now feel really homesick and unsettled. It is not pleasant to feel like you don't fit in here anymore. I miss family, castles, old buildings, European history, (did I mention family?), the seasons, proper beer in a proper pub in front of a real fire. I hate feeling like someone is pointing a blowtorch at my skin whenever I go out in the sun because of its intensity, yes I know about sun block blah blah blah but try getting your teenager kids interested in putting the stuff on when your back is turned. I will feel personally responsible if they get skin cancers in the future. I don't like sand in my sandwiches. I would so much rather look at a pretty thatched country farmhouse than an opulent modern soulless monstrosity in Vaucluse with "Sea views". The saying you can take a person out of a country, but not the country out of the person is so true... I guess that makes me a whinging homesick Pomm.....
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