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    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi all</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>I am an Australian living in the UK, newly married to my English husband, and we are wanting to move to Oz in the next 18 months- 2 years. I always intended to go 'home' at some point (I've been here 5 years), and he is happy to start a new life there with me. I spoke about my intention to go home on our first date - I have always made my intention to return to Oz to settle down clear to my partner, and he has been on board from the get go. My question is: for those of you who have left your parents, siblings etc, how did you break the news to them that you were moving across the world permanently? My situation is different - I came to London to study, and my family always knew I was 'coming back'. Neither of his parents is in good health, they won't be able to travel to us, but we will visit every year (just as I do now with my own parents in Oz). Any advice and sharing of your stories would be greatly appreciated.</p></p>

    <p><p>Thank you.</p></p>

    <p> </p>


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