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Everything posted by WeegieDave

  1. I wasn't implying that at all. I was implying that I feel there is not much loss to the good of the world that a known criminal who was suspected of being involved in previous murders and definitely had the potential to murder in the future was shot. He was a dangerous and bad person who made a living out of peoples misery. Apologies if that is not PC enough for you though!
  2. Makes a change from them screaming... "No justice, no peace outside the courtroom while punching the air" The justice was done when the police took the shot IMO. I wonder how many lives Mark Duggan wouyd have wrecked had he still been running around the streets with loaded guns and drugs today.
  3. Was it because he was black? Absolutely not!! He was a wannabe gangster running about doing drug deals with a loaded hand gun. Dangerous character and I don't hold much sympathy!
  4. It's totally edited and unrealistic IMO. Gives people false perceptions.
  5. Am I the only one who thinks that programme is bollocks?? :confused:
  6. The recession and immigration from eastern Europe has now made the UK a low wages climate. Esecially for tradies and people related to the building and construction industry.
  7. That was my thoughts straight away. It sounds like a greed motivated decision. He is no doubt rubbing his hands at the potential influx of Romanians and Bulgarians.
  8. Depends what type of visa you plan on coming out on. Is your job on the Skilled Occupation list or Consolidated Skilled Occupation List? I'd check that first off.
  9. Got to pay the bills somehow....and have you seen the price of lemons here in Perth?:err::wink:
  10. There's a few here in Perth but we seem to be spaced out all over the place... We must just integrate well :biggrin:
  11. whats this got to do with Andy Murray winning Sports Personality of the year?
  12. Totally disagree. He IS British and such a reply makes us Scots sound like we have a chip on our shoulder. I'd hardly say the sense of humour differs between the Scots and English or Welsh or any of the UK countries. We are all much the same IMO.
  13. people just don't get his dry sense of humour IMO. So who would you give it to then? Murray deserves to be recognised for his achievements in the last year.
  14. Can't say I've noticed any difference is mine either!
  15. But can it continue as is?? Will there be a very big bubble bursting sometime soon?? :unsure:
  16. Common sense prevails... It was ridiculous to even think about throwing him out the country for interrupting the toffs boat race while we have Al-Queda members openly preaching hate and encouraging murder on our own streets and the wimpy government are too scared to do anything about it yet they throw the book at the daft geezer who decided to swim in front of the priverlaged kids boats.
  17. You are very helpful but I do think you have defo taken things the wrong way and too seriously! You need to kick back with a massage and a french martini!
  18. Someone has seriously taken something the wrong way!!
  19. No way! Everyone says that. There is not a day the I don't hear it.
  20. But is it dying out? Is the old school Aussie slang going to be filtered out by the new generation that are opting to speak like Americans?? Or will it be intermixed?....Aussie Aussie Aussie...Yo Yo Yo?? :unsure:
  21. Gravity mate... Australia is upside down remember!!
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