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Everything posted by lazybones1987

  1. I'm taking a guess here, it probably means family members of those people who came to this country under humanitarian reasons (such as refugees) are not included in this category.
  2. Can I also suggest putting in a complaint here? http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/brendanoconnor/contact-details/
  3. That is devastating news. I'm on the verge of giving up everything. I can't explain how I feel right now.
  4. Hi Daniel, Yes, that's normal. I've lived in 3 countries in the last 10 years and I've obtained a police clearance certificate from all 3 countries. Your friend applied in May 2010 and hasn't been given a queue date yet? Wow, I wonder what queue date they will give him once he hands them all the required documents.
  5. The latest planning levels for 2013-2014 have been announced: No information yet on how many places have been allocated to the remaining relative category. Source: http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/media/bo/2013/bo203159.htm
  6. If you've applied onshore, it's standard procedure for you to undergo police and medical checks before they put you in a queue (there's no point in assigning someone to a queue if they are going to fail their medicals/police checks). What queue date have you been given? Assigning a queue date is one step closer to completion, but that final step is currently a long way away.
  7. The next comes the long wait for the case officer to make contact again. They are currently processing applications with a queue date of June 2010.
  8. A few independent committees have suggested IMMI to increase the number of family visas, this includes remaining relative visas as well. Until then, we'll just have to wait patiently.
  9. I was asked for it, but not by my CO, but by someone else who initially assessed the application. They will probably perform the initial assessment on your case and give you a queue date once you have completed your checks. Keep us posted.
  10. Are you applying onshore or offshore? When did you lodge your application? Have you been given a queue date and assigned a CO? It is standard procedure to ask for medicals/police check after you've lodged your application onshore. They might also ask you to take another test before they grant your visa.
  11. Hi Kris, Yes, I have a CO. TBH, it doesn't matter when you have applied, if you have a case officer or what your queue date is. This is what I've learned in my wait so far. There is no particular order to how IMMI processes the applications. I have come across quite a number of people who have obtained their visas, even though they lodged their application much later than I did. This whole concept of "queuing" is a farce. E.g., West's sisters' case. I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, but those are the facts and they are quite depressing (at least for me). A lot of talk has been made about the condition of family visas and I sincerely hope that IMMI implements those changes for the good. To answer your question (finally), the usual trend is to apply a CO when they have performed the initial assessment and they think that your application will be processed soon (read 12-24 months). Once a CO is appointed, he/she will then advise you of your queue date.
  12. Hi Kris, It's really hard to say how long it will take for your application to be processed. I've been waiting for 3 years and I expect to wait for another 6 months or so for my application to be finalized. A group of expert panel made a few recommendations last year to improve the waiting time of family reunion visas (which also includes remaining relative). However, it's upto IMMI to implement these changes.
  13. It appears that there will be no more releases until the next financial year. Here's hoping that they announce the numbers pretty soon.
  14. Hi there, Yes this is normal if you are applying onshore. As part of the initial assesment, they will ask you to undergo a medical and a police check before assigning a case officer and placing you in the queue.
  15. Latest update from IMMI: Happy New Year everyone! My queue date is in July and as they say "So close yet so far"
  16. Nah, sleepywombat already has a queue date, he/she is just being asked to update it again as they probably expired during this long wait. In my case, I took my medicals and police clearance and sent it to them as they were taking a really long time to give me a case officer. My queue date is July 2011, so hopefully I don't have to wait for more than a year or so.
  17. Latest update from immi's website: "Applications for Remaining Relative or Aged Dependent Relative visas with a queue date up to 31 December 2010 are now being considered for final processing. Further information for applications that have a queue date from 1 January 2011 will be published if any further releases occur during the 2012-13 year"
  18. I certainly don't disagree with your opinion at all. I too have sent them numerous emails in the past, they replied back with *cut,copy,paste* responses. You must be lucky to get a response back from a "real" human being. In DIAC's response, they have pointed out that "demand continues to exceed supply",yet they choose to do nothing about it. Sometimes it makes me feel if the DIAC is run by heartless robots (well except for Wall-E).
  19. I don't think that is going to help a bit. I've spoken to a couple of lawyers to see if there is anything I can do (something less severe than a law suit) so DIAC will speed up the process. Their responses were (unfortunately): There are laws and acts in place that protect DIAC against any potential law suits. DIAC and the Immigration minister have the power to suspend a particular case or even a complete category (sub class) of visa I told them that the processing time line that was stated on IMMI's website was 6-9 months when I applied, there was no notion of "queuing" system. Again, there are laws in place that protect DIAC DIAC can freely picking a case in any particular order. They have the power to pick anyone from the queue, it doesn't have to be in order of date assigned (no offence to those who have obtained their PR even though they lodged their application way after I did) Have a read through this:http://immigrationptyltd.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/update-the-hidden-costs-of-being-on-bridging-visa/ I'm in no way associated with the author, but I try to find hope through his blog.
  20. I have no idea why. It took 3 years for them to appoint a case officer and now I get this queue date. How much longer will this take? I'm really tired of waiting tbh.
  21. Update on my case: Applied in Feb 2010 (Onshore), Case Officer assigned: May 2012. Case officer has just advised that I will be placed on a queue after assessing my case. I don't know how long this is going to take now
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