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  1. This is exactly what I have been counting on. Thanks very much you wonderful people. I currently have 65 points, so even if CO discounts degree I'm still left with 60 passing mark. This being "grey area", I'm just hoping CO will not outright refuse visa and instead settle with my assessed diploma. After the introduction of invitation system, I've seen so many getting refused in spite of having passing mark. Jumping the queue by overclaiming points appears to be summarily rejected.
  2. Hello There. I've already filed 189 application last month. I have claimed 15 points (EDUCATION only) for a totally unrelated (to my skills) degree I got via Distance Education. Now the thing is this degree from Madras University was not assessed because i assumed the University is CEP Grade 1 (which I still think it is). My question is will the CO accept it or, well, just throw out my application because the degree is not assessed? I have my diploma assessed by ACS but that I've used only to get work experience points. Thanks in advance for your input!
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