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  1. @bristolman. This was approx six weeks ago. Maybe things have changed in the world of banking since you came back?
  2. @Marisawright. I also had great difficulty opening a new bank account in my own name despite having kept a joint account with HSBC for over 30 years. I could only have a basic account and no hope of any credit facility for the forseeable future. It took weeks for my 17 year old to get an account as he and no proof of address and had to apply for a provisional drivers licence before they would accept him. As you say they are apologetic about the situation but their hands are tied by the legislation.

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi T,</p></p>

    <p><p>Thanks for getting in touch! I remember how supportive your messages were when I was going through those last few stressful weeks! </p></p>

    <p><p>I am settling in well now, but it was much harder to leave Australia than I imagined and I missed friends and my job terribly. Christmas with the family was lovely and I remember at one particular gathering, looking around at everyone and thinking 'This is what I came for. This makes it worthwhile."</p></p>

    <p><p>Ive managed to get a couple of part-time jobs in areas I'm interested in. One with the National Trust and one at the local library. I'm hoping something better paid and more permanent will come from them. I'm loving the long walks with the dog in the countryside and the weather has made that much more pleasant than the horrible Brisbane heat and humidity.</p></p>

    <p><p>Hope you have a very happy new year,</p></p>

    <p><p>best wishes, Rosie x</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  4. <p><p>Hi Rosie - I was just looking at some older threads and came across your posts, just before your return to the UK. Hope all is going well and the wet, grey winter hasn't taken too much of a toll. Spring is on its way so not too long before the daffodils are dancing, the blossom trees bloom, and the nights get lighter! Take care, T x</p></p>

  5. @Progressive. I found the following information on the ATO website https://www.ato.gov.au/about-ato/about-us/contact-us/write-to-us/ " If you are sending your paper tax return from overseas, change the address on the pre-addressed envelope by crossing out 'IN YOUR CAPITAL CITY' and replacing it with: SYDNEY NSW 2001, AUSTRALIA It will help us if you also cross out the barcode above the address. If you are using your own envelope, mail it to: Australian Taxation Office GPO Box 9845 SYDNEY NSW 2001, AUSTRALIA"
  6. I am in the same position. To submit the 2015/16 via online submission I think you have to wait until after 30/06/2016. To claim early because you have left Australia permanently you have to submit a paper tax return. do you mean you're not sure where to send it to because of the Australia post arrangement for payment? I would just post it to your former capital city. Maybe it wouldn't do any harm to add postage stamps to the envelope to make sure it gets delivered.
  7. I have also tried online quotes and then rang the insurers to clarify as the NCD was earned in Australia. Direct line wouldn't recognise the Australian rating 1 for life and I failed to find any other insurance company that would. I even went through an insurance agency who did manage to find companies that would recognise the Australian discount but they turned out more expensive than the companies that weren't giving any discount! i suspect that yes they will accept whatever you fill in on your online enquiry but when I actually called them to clarify they said that no they would not recognise the Australian rating 1.
  8. Hooray, I am finally home and just picked up the dog from the airport. He's happy and lively and I just took him for a walk where he had fields to run in instead of a crowded dog park. Everything looks so Christmassy here and the air is fresh rather than the heavy humidity that was starting to build in Brisbane when we left. I can finally let out a big sigh of relief and let go of some of that tension of the last couple of weeks. Thanks for everyone's support - I can't believe I finally made it!!
  9. My kids always loved going to see all the beautifully decorated houses at Christmastime. Sometimes whole streets participate and the atmosphere is great. http://www.grahamquirk.com.au/see-brisbanes-christmas-lights-by-council-bus/
  10. I had my final inspections with the rental agent and the owner today. A friend and I spent three whole days getting the place immaculate, only to have my bond deducted because "the garden needed tidying up". I am so over the whole renting experience in Australia. I've only two more days here, and it's been so stressful, I've missed out on seeing friends because I was trying to present a show home in someone else's property. I can't wait to check in my bags, take a deep breath and just collapse on that plane. I don't think I will breathe easy again until we have picked up the dog in Manchester and I can go and have that cup of tea with my Mum!
  11. I am really disappointed with the way rental agents treat tenants. It's like anyone who has to rent must be the scum of the earth looking to vandalise property or do a moonlight flit. Despite my best efforts to clean and fix even the minutest mark on the wall, I will be amazed if I get my full bond back. Do the real estate get to make money on withholding money or does it go to the owner? I am relieved to know your move back went so well. It is a big decision to go back, but if you never try, you'll never know.
  12. Thank you @Jacaranda. Eleven days to go now and I'm in less of a panic now I have left work and I'm working my way through the 'to-do' list. The stress of leaving is countered by the excitement of my family (especially my 87 yr old mum) who are counting the days until we arrive.
  13. I struggle with the idea that the woman has to follow what the husband wants to do. In suggesting the OP would feel unsettled if her husband was unhappy in Wales, but using the same logic how can he be happy and settled in Australia knowing she is so miserable? I know she met and married an Aussie guy and she has tried her best to live the life he wants but if it's making her so sad then isn't there some compromise that can be made? I ended up resenting my husband for insisting we lived somewhere he knew made me unhappy. I have no easy answer but I don't think it's right to just sacrifice your happiness for someone's else's.
  14. I can only sympathise having married an Aussie myself and followed him out here nearly 20 years ago. It is incredibly hard to come to terms with if you're not happy. I absolutely understand all you say about trying all ways to assimilate, but if it doesn't click in your head then it doesn't click. Sadly in these mixed marriages it can feel like one person always has to sacrifice their happiness to appease the other. I'm sorry you are in this situation. Life is too short to be miserable living somewhere you don't want to be. Is there any way at all he would let you go home with the children? You still obviously love each other, but it can cause a huge strain on your relationship when there is no compromise and you can begin to feel trapped and resentful. Hopefully a counsellor will be able to find some middle ground or ways for you to cope. I truly hope you find a solution. As Quoll says my heart goes out to you.
  15. What an excellent way of looking at it...makes it crystal clear for me!
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